CLEANSE, CURES, EMPOWER, FUEL, holistic healing, INDULGE, Nourished Warrior Wellness, organic, PURIFY, raw, REPLENISH, RESOLVE, RESTORE, tasty healing

Nourished Warrior Wellness: COCO-Cures: 222(ish) uses for Coconut Oil

222 uses for coconut oil, coconut oil infographic

One of the most prized products perpetually part of our Nourished Warrior arsenal, is the magical, remarkable, miracle food: Coconut Oil. Peeps in the tropics, lucky enough to be surrounded by a never-ending supply of this amazing stuff- know the value of this ancient cure. It’s a serum, a cleanser, a weight loss tool, a cooking ingredient, a quenching hydrator for hair, skin, body, and makes some of hands down the best toothpaste on earth. The secrets of oil pulling are not to be blown off, with the billions of bacteria in our mouths at any given moment- oil pulling is a near miraculous cure for dental hygiene and the many purported illnesses and dies-ease that can be a by-product of poor dental hygiene.

the miraculous thing about coconut oil- possibly is that every single day we find yet another use for this glorious powerhouse, nutritional fucken ninjafood at its very very best- there aren’t enough words to toss at this bliss to ever articulate just how lustily we incense ourselves in riding this cantlivewithout workhorse.

please note:

– each and every instance or application on this list has research, study and an abundance of individual review-based evidence backing them, i have included a few key resources for your discovery adventures, however the info out there is incredibly comprehensive and thus, a quick google is reccod.-  researching any one of these numbered cures & uses will give you a plethora of descriptive best-practices in order to employ coconut oil for your desired use.

pls. also consult with a professional caregiver prior to replacing or integrating any part of your prescribed healing regimen with coconut oil.

The Top 11

Anti s of Coconut Oil:

Anti-Side Effect

How we like our oil:

Organic, Cold-pressed & Unrefined: ( virgin or extra-virgin) – this oil is from fresh nuts, sans-processing or heat, it is the purest, most organic form of the tropical nectar. Also the tastiest, and most nutrient-dense, this pristine virgin nectar carries with it a deliciously mild sensory experience.

please purchase no hydrogenated, refined, blasphemized BPA-packaged abominations.

when considering which brands to buy here in Canada- we have a slew of options- but as a small digression it serves to be said:  where coconuts actually grow is a whole different level, i recall the first time i was taught to make coconut oil in Tulum, from fresh coconuts that were harvested by a Spanish-bearded Hippie from Montreal who shimmied up a tree in some manner of renaissance ancestral throwback to our ape brothers. These treasures were so abundant on the beach- those months and months i lived there i nearly became ( nearly ) sometimes too accustomed to the bounty and had to remind myself what a gift it was; this is especially resonant now, back in Canada when the tetra packed mass packaged and horrifically priced knock-offs of coconut water are more and more prevalent on store shelves. making the oil is actually a simple process that requires only a few items and some patience. baby coconuts yield not only the best meat but the best by=products all around- the water is potent, but not like that that comes form older nuts- and is borderline kombucha-esque… in a gentle means-business manner.

so needless to say those other lucky warriors whom have also had the luxury of living in a climate where wacking down a bunch of coconuts and indulging in all day replenishment is a natural part of daily life- will attest to the difference between authentic and what is available in the upper north america. that said, there are some leaders in the coconut oil bottling business that i believe are doing a bang-up job at harnessing the best and most authentic goodness…

My Fav: Dr. Bronner’s Organic White Virgin Coconut Oil

Expeller pressed unrefined whole kernel oil

Company Origin: USA / Coconut Origin: not sure.  / $11 – $12 (14 oz. )

get it:

some other brands we recco.

Maison Orphee

Coldpressed, organic and unrefined

Company Origin: Quebec, Canada / Coconut Origin: Philippines / $12 – $15 (454g)

get it:


Organic, Raw, unrefined coldpressed & virgin

Company Origin: California, United States / Coconut Origin: Southeast Asia $12 – $15 (454g)

get it:

Now Solutions

organic, cold pressed & unrefined

Company Origin: USA / Coconut Origin: not sure / about $12/355ml

get it: @

let’s get down to the list: and please note, this piece is definitely going to be on-going, there is no way i will be able to spell out every use, every wonder and every benefit in one piece without writing a novel-length discourse. consider this vol. 1 of a never-ending series. 🙂 

Coconut Oil & Overall  Health and Wellness

1. Appetite controller – the goods fats in the oil actually trigger release of hormones which slow down movement of foods through the digestive tract – and thus prolongs the feeling of fullness after eating
2. Breastfeeding – this is a no brainer for sore nips but also for enriching the milk itself, by taking a few tablespoons a day it actually helps increase the production of milk.
3. Bones and Teeth – aids the absorption of calcium and magnesium which empowers bones and teeth
4. Blood Sugar Stabilizer: by improving insulin secretion, and how your body actually uses blood glucose. it’s a great choice for diabetics and those who suffer from issues with glycemia / blood sugar levels
5. Digestion –  saturated fats in coconut oil help control bacteria, parasites and fungi that lead to digestive issues like crohns, IBS and gastric ulcers; also noted here is its ability to aid in the absobtion of vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc. boosting the bio-availability factor of your daily supplementing regime.
6. Energy Boost – gives you a boost of energy and is often rccod to athletes or those in intense physically demanding conditions as a quick pickmeup- as it also helps with endurance.
7.  Bones / Teeth : coconut oil assists in the absorption of magnesium and calcium: essential for strong bones and healthy chompers
8. Lung Function – increases the fluidity of cell surfaces.
9. Pregnancy – helps prevent gestational diabetes; keeps kidneys functioning; keeps morning sickness in check; and protects a mother-to-be from a host of potentially threatening infections as well as boost her immunity, which is naturally weakened during pregnancy.
10. Prevents oxidation of fatty acids
11. Skin care – the benefits for your skin, are endless- and could be an article within itself ( and most likely will be ) so i will just hit a few topnotes here, ( skincare companies have been trying to mimic the healing and nourishing goodness of this liquid goddessesence; all of them failing miserably but still making billions in profit via consumer ignorance and glossy marketing tactic ) – coconut oil is a protector from free radical and oxidative damage to your skin, it promotes firmer, smoother, more hydrated, more radiant skin-  ( ok. seriously- there really aint nothin’ this DOESNT do for your skin. )  and those who worry about the notion of putting oil on your face need not, coconut oil ain’t that kind of oil. its medium chain triglyceride molecular makeup is not the proper size to clog pores ) – on top of it all – coconut oil provides up to 20SPF, making it a fantastic alternative to chemical-filled sunscreens and liquid gold for getting tropical glow.
12.Stress Relief – if the notion that you are at once losing weight, becoming younger, preventing disease, reversing aging, replenishing your body’s vital nutrients and pretty much all around tapping in to the fountain of youth by incorporating coconut oil into your life, doesn’t reduce your overall stress level; you can look to it to relieve mental fatigue by perhaps indulging in a coconut oil massage– apply it to your head, hands, torso, and everywhere else you can reach and massage in a circular motion, the scent itself will soothe you into an aromatherapeutic state of beachy-bliss-like relief. -(  the aroma of coconut is a known therapeutic stress reliever. ) and if you want to get sexy, have someone else rub you down with it. it makes, bar-none, the ultimate massage oil… and if you get sexy, it also makes unbelievably fantastic lube. 😉
13. Vitamin and nutrient absorption – boosts the bioavailability of other important supplements.
14. Weight loss – medium chain fatty acids contribute to overall weight loss by producing energy in the body vs. fat. meaning even though it is a saturated fat -it actually boosts metabolic rate contribute to weight loss and also increases metabolic rate, stimulates metabolism, improves thyroid function, and with the boost of energy you are also getting- acts as an all around must-have dietary supplement. helps build lean muscle mass.

97 CURES to diseases ( a-z )

Coconut Oil for Chronic Health Challenges

when taken internally, and externally as well in some cases, coconut oil has significant disease-fighting power. 

it is known for aiding, preventing, relieving + in some cases totally obliterating the following ninety-seven health issues:

  i recco. doing your own research before treatment, as well as browsing as many sites as you need to in order to find the appropriate scientific research. copy & paste any of the below into google/bing or whatever search engine suits your fancy…

( SEARCH Marketing and SEO tip: sometimes you really gotta dig into google and make it past paid SEO and google rankings, to find those hidden gems! typically anything on the first 5 pages is engineered to be there, but doesn’t necessarily mean it is the best info )

1. Acid Reflux/Indigestion Aid
3. Allergies
4. Alzheimer’s
5. Asthma
6. Autism
7. Blood Pressure Regulation
8. Bowel Function
9. Bronchial Infections
10. Cancer – has been shown to prevent colon and breast cancer in laboratory tests
11. Candida
12. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
13. Cataracts
14. Cholesterol – improves HDL  to LDL  %
15. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
16. Crohn’s Disease
17. Circulation
18. Colds cures the common cold and other flu-like Viruses
19. Constipation
20. Cystic Fibrosis
21. Cystitis
22. Degenerative Diseases
23. Depression
24. De-Quervains Tenosynovitis
25. Diabetes – helps stabilize blood sugar.
26. Dysentery
27. Eczema
28. Edema
29. Endometriosis
30. Energy boost
31. Epilepsy
32. Fever Support
33. Fibrocystic Breast
34. Flaky, Dry Skin
35. Gallbladder disease and pain
36. Gas
37. Gastritis
38. Glaucoma
39. Gonorrehea
40. Gout
41. Grave’s Disease
42. Gum Disease
43. H. Pylori
44. Halitosis
45. Hashimoto’s
46. Head Lice
47. Heart Disease
48. Hemorrhoids
49. HIV – is known to reduce the viral load
50. Hormone Regulator
51. Hyperthyroidism
52. Immune System Builder
53. Inflammation
54. Influenza
55. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
56. Jaundice
57. Kidney Disease
58. Kidney Stones – aids in dissolving them
59. Liver Disease
60. Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS)
61. Low Blood Clotting
62. Lung Disease
63. Lupus
64. Malabsorption Syndrome
65. Malnutrition
66. Menstrual Cramps
67. Mental Clarity
68. Menopause –
69. Menstruation Relief
70. Migraines
71. Mononucleosis
72. MRSA
73. Multiple Sclerosis
74. Osteoporosis
75. Pancreatitis
76. Parasites
77. Parkinson’s
78. Periodontal Disease/ Tooth Decay
79. Pneumonia
80. Prostate Enlargement
81. Retinitis Pigmentosa
82. Retinopathy
83. Rickets
84. Skin problems
85. Scurvy
86. Smoker’s Cough
87. Spider Veins
88. Staphyloccus
89. Stomach Ulcers
90. Tinnitus
91. Toenail fungus
92. Thrush
93. Thyroid Function
94. Typhoid
95. Ulcerative Colitis
96. UTI’s + Bladder Infections
97. Yeast Infections

28 remedies

1. Acne – the fact that coconut oil is a superb antispetic, antioxidant and
2. Allergies/Hay Fever – rub inside the nasal passage to form a barrier against clingy pollen and allergins
3. Arthritis- eases inflmmation
4. Athletes foot – anti-fungal power of coconut oil is a quick cure for itchy, burny, athletes feet
5. Back Pain/Sore Muscles see # 3
6. Balding –Coconut oil supports cell regeneration.
7. Boils and Cysts
8. Canker Sores
9. Cellulite
10. Cold Sores
11. Conjunctivitis – applied around and in the eye
12. Contact Dermatitis
13. Decongestant – rub coconut oil on the chest and under the nose when congested from a cold or allergies.
14. Eczema
15. Genital Warts – through topical application over 6 weeks and coconut oil enemas twice a day depending on the location of the warts.
16. Gum Disease and Gingivitis – use as a toothpaste or rub directly on gums
17. Herpes (applied topically and taken internally)
18. Hives
19. Itchy Eyes – put a dab of coconut oil in itchy eyes. You will have blurred vision for a couple of minutes but the itch will be gone!
20. Keloids – apply keloid /scarred skin x3 a day to reduce puffyness and restore balance and appearance of scar tissue.
21. Keratosis Pilaris – apply on its own or add himalayan or sea salt and create an amazing exfoliator.
22. Pink eye – use around the eye – and/or in the eye to soothe and heal
23. Psoriasis
24. Rosacea
25. Shingles
26. Warts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         27. Insect Repellent  – those little bastards just don’t dig it.
28. Lubricant – it is an allaround superfood slip and slide for anything your imagination can conjure up

RX prescriptions for first aid

1. Age Spots ( aka: liver spots ) – apply oil onto spot 2X/day after a few months the spot will fade.
2. Animal Bites – apply oil to wound immediately for cleansing, inflammation reduction, anti-bacterial capacity + followup w a 3x/day regimen to assist healing.
3. Antacid Substitute – combine 1 teaspoon oil w/cinnamon + baking soda = freedom from burn.
4. Bed Sores – apply oil to sores 3x/day to speed healing, reduce inflammation, prevent infection.
5. Birth Marks – similar to age spots, oil can be applied 1-3x/day w/ or w/out applecider vinegar to aid fading
6. Breastfeeding Bite – treat similarly to an animal bite. also soothes sore nips
7. Broken Bones – take 2 tbsp/day to aid in absorbption of calcium + promote rebuilding and healing.
8. Bruises – apply to bruise 2x/day to reduce swelling, redness and tenderness.
9. Bug Bites and Stings – apply as many times as needed per day to kill potential bacteria, ease itching, burning and swelling + to aid swift healing.
10. Burns – apply to burn  asap. continue to apply 3x/day until healed, assists in reducing scarring.
11. Chicken Pox – take 1tbsp/day + apply liberally all over body + pox 3-5 times/day to relieve itching + inflammation, and assist in the curing of the disease. ( can also be added to baths to create a soothing soak.
12. Dry Eyes – 1 dab per eye @ night & throw away the chemical laden visine products.
13. Ear Infection – 2 drops per ear 2X/day for pain relief + infection battling capacity.
14. Food Poisoning –take 2tbsp 2X/day to ease symptoms + promote swift recovery.
15. Hang Nails – soak hands in a tub of warm water and coconut oil and / or apply to each affected area 3X/day.
16. Healing cuts, wounds, scrapes, scratches – apply to affected areas 3X/day. forms a protective layer over skin, helps repair damage, ease pain & inflammation.
17. Impotence/ ED –take 2tbsp / day + use as desired in intimate areas. coconut oil is known to assist in reproductive issues, endocrine + hormonal issues and the scent is something of an aphrodisiac. as an alternative to traditional petroleum based lubes, it makes a delicious organic alternative with no chemical-toxin-filled side effects that can contribute to sexual dysfunction among other things.
18. Ingrownnails – apply 2X/day to affected nails to aid in healing & fight infection.
19. Insomnia – take 1tbsp 1X/day to improve overall health and wellness and to regulate bodily systems that contribute to achieving a healthy sleep. c
20. Jock Itch – apply to affected area 2X/day to ease itch, inflammation, continued use on the body will prevent future flareups.
21. Laryngitis – 1tbsp 3X/day – gargle and rinse with water.
22. Leg Cramps – take 1tbsp 1X/day to support potassium & calcium levels + rub onto painful legs to ease discomfort.
23. Lice –  can be used as a treatment for lice.
24. Mole Remover – evidently applying this post applecidervinegar compress has been known to see moles go MIA in just a few weeks- sans laser-surgery!
25. Nausea – rub some coconut oil on your belly and your pulse points and/or meridians
26. Nose Bleeds – quenches dry passages. apply liberally to each nostril
27. Oral Health – Oil pulling is an ancient secret that has made its way into modern day oral routines, including my own- coconut oil whitens teeth, prevents decay, heals sores, banishes bacteria among a plethora of other amazing curative actions. i recco googling oil pulling asap and making it a part of your daily regimen.
28. Oral Surgery – applied to surgery site, helps healing+ prevents infection.
29. Itch relief / infection protection: poison ivy, oak,  sumac and countless other irritating plants and substances.
30. Ringworm – apply to area 8-10 X /day until healed.
31. Snake Bites –( not that this happens alot but… ) neutralizes venom toxicity, stops pain, burning, itching associated w/snake bite+ promotes healing of wound.
32. Sore Throat Soother – 1  spoonful w/warm water + gargle for a few minutes.
33. Snoring Relief – rub a dab into each nasal passage prior to slumber to reduce swelling and clear clogged airways that cause snoring.
34. Sty Treatment – 1 dab 3X/day onto sty until healed.
35. Sun Burn Relief – coconut oil would have prevented this in the first place due to its SPF ability. but applying 3-5x/day to affected area is like bliss.
36. Super-vital support for substance abuse recovery (Alcohol or Drug Detox )–  3-5tbsp /day to boost hydration, purification + energy levels during the detox period. c
37. Swimmers Ear – i heard coconut oil + garlic = a cure to this. try mixing them and dropping them into your ears a few times a day.
48.. Toothache –  see oral health. gargling with coconut oil, or doing an oil pull will ease the inflammation and assist in fighting any infection on its way.
39. Yoni Dryness –  coconut oil makes the best lube on the planet, for any and everything- your yoni included

nature’s best beauty product – a million ways to bless your temple


the benefits for your body are endless- skincare companies have been trying to mimic the healing and nourishing goodness of this liquid goddessesence; all of them failing miserably but still making billions in profit via consumer ignorance and glossy marketing tactic ) – coconut oil is a protector from free radical and oxidative damage to your skin, it promotes firmer, smoother, more hydrated, more radiant skin-  and those who worry about the notion of putting oil on your face need not, coconut oil ain’t that kind of oil. its medium chain triglyceride molecular makeup is not the proper size to clog pores ) – on top of it all – coconut oil provides up to 20SPF, making it a fantastic alternative to chemical-filled sunscreens and liquid gold for getting tropical glow.

• After Shave & as a shaving balm – lubes. quenches. soothes. protects. heals. bye bye razor burn.• Exfoliator & Body Scrub – blend coconut oil, himalayan salt or coconut sugar + ( essential oils if you are so inclined) apply body-wide in the shower for a super-spa like exfoliation bliss.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 • Facial Cleanser  – replace your cleanser with a blend of coconut oil & olive or almond oil, massage into face-( leave for a few minutes) rinse. instant glow.                                  • Stretch Marks – for use during pregnancy to help prevent stretch marks, and to nourish and boosy repairative capacity of skin.                                                                                  • Sunscreen – coconut oil has an inherent SPF. i used to get 3rd degree burns, i mean i would burn through baby sunscreen with an SPF of 75. when i lived in mexico i went naked on the beach daily in 100 degree carribean sun wearing nothing but coconut oil. not once did i burn the entire time i was there. no joke.                                                         • Makeup Remover – never again use a chemical concoction or rub your poor face raw trying to remove waterproof mascara. coconut oil + cotton ball = nature’s natural wonder remover.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • Moisturizer – once i found coconut oil i never looked back. its  my-go to head-to-toe body quencher- absorbs quicker than other oils, nourishes the skin, and its soothing diversity makes it a fail-safe for even sensitive areas.•Minimize Pores – daily dabs will help visible pores disappear.                                                                                                          • Oily Skin Zapper – seems weird right? but a dime-sized amount will help reduce oily t-zones. wear under makeup


• Dandruff – add to shampoo for symptomatic relief of dandruff. coconut oil assists in the control of oil secretion from your scalp- which contributes to the cause.                     • Skin protector- Hair dye –use as a protector against inadvertantly dying your skin by applying along the hairline and on the ears prior to your next dye job.                              • Conditioner/ Hair Treatment – the hidden-gem secret of curly-haired girls the world over. add to your conditioner. use as a conditioner or deep treatment. apply liberally to hair and scalp, wrap in a hot towel for an hour or leave in overnight- for a protein-building, silky, nourished and shiny mane.                                                                                   • Hair Product – use as a defrizzing balm or a hair gel to hold in place. use a quarter sized amount in your palm and massage from root to tip, scrunch hair or apply to strands as desired.
• Hair Fortifier  –   bonds to the hair follicles rendering them super strong and forified.                                                                                                                                                            • Pre- wash hair treatment– massage into hair prior to your shampoo to reduce frizz, and boosy moisture and shine.
• Split end healer : apply daily to split ends- coconut oil helps repair damage to the hair, seal the cuticle and prevent future splits.

Hands & Nails:

• Nail Polish Quick Dry — apply via spray-bottle to freshly painted nails for a quick-dry fix
• Nail Strengthener & conditioner: use it as a treatment on finger and toe to repair cracked, brittle nails. apply daily to nourish and fortify – leaving nails shiny and healthy looking.                                                                     ;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • • Hand Cleanser– literally the best hand cleaner on the planet. removes everything from wax to paint to turmeric-yellow-nails, to garlic to grease to oil based products             • Cuticle Cream –use as a cuticle serum or whilst getting a manicure- to aid in removal of cuticles


• Ear cleanser – add a touch on a qtip for to help remove ear wax.

Mouth & Lips:

• Balm for lips – arguably the best lip balm on the planet. its natural SPF helps protect lips whilst doing softening work…stays lubed for hours.

• Toothpaste – see above on oral health and oil pulling. alone or combined with peppermint oil this liquid gold makes the best whitening, brightening way to clean teeth. and being fluoride free- is of infinite benefit.


•Eye Cream – apply on lids, under eyes, to brow bones and around the entire eye area in the AM + PM for a superfood serum with an  anti-puffy, anti-aging punch.
•Eyelash Conditioner – use a mascara wand to apply to lashes, or add to your mascara tube for extra conditioning and growth promotion.

Tricks, Tips, Secrets

• Deodorant – homemade- anti-toxic deodorant. use it alone on underarms or blend up an eco-stick by combining any of the following: baking soda, arrowroot powder, essential oil + beeswax and aloe

• Sunless Tan Lotion -for those peeps who dig a self-tanning, i’ve heard te;; mixing coconut oil with nutmeg and coffee grounds will work in place of the streaky orange goo.

• Varicose Veins – helps hide and heal

• Tattoos – for its obvious healing and moisturizing capacity- coconut oil can do a bangup job as tattoo-goo.

• Vitiligo + Hyperpigmentation – helps restore pigment, remove dark spots and heal patchy skin from rosacea and other skin syndromes
Wrinkle reduction and prevention– rubbing coconut oil on winkles and sagging skin helps strengthen the connective tissues to bring back that youthful look!

• Wax Removal – post body and eyebrow waxing use coconut oil to remove the leftover wax and soothe irritated skin.


As good as this nectar is for us it’s equally as useful for your feline and canine and other furry friends. • Daily dosing will aid in nutrient absorbtion, improve digestion, boost immune system, heal disorders like IBS, colitis and colic and will assist in the elimination of hairballs. Heal arthritis, help in weight loss, boost energy and the medium chain triglycerides have been proven to decrease amyloid buildup of protein that afflicts aging dogs.

• Start with supplementing your pet’s diet with about 1/4 teaspoon for every 10 pounds of body weight 2X per day. recommended dosage for animals is 1/4 teaspoon for every 10 pounds of body weight twice daily when taken internally.

• Heals bites, stings, wounds, fleas, dry skin + allergies and other issues that animals tend to agitate. Apply to affected area or all over coat 2X/day for as long as required.      • dosing and conditioning your pets will result in a super-shiny coat.
• Prevents& treat infections like fungus and candida and reduce skin allergies- once my cat erupted with an all over allergy from an unknown source- poor meng meng was crying and scratching for days and days on end and nothing worked- i tried wrapping her body in a sock, i tried covering her claws- anything i coudl think of to stop the spreading of the psoriasis-like skin flaking- the only thing that worked was soaking her in coconut oil 3 times a day and covering her up with a home-made bandage; in just 2 short days she was completely healed.

 A note on wee ones:

From cradle cap, to colic to diaper rash to teething to a healthy and hydrating addition to formula, the incorporation of coconut oil into baby’s life is essential. There are countless products on the market that are riddled with toxins- literally try going into the children’s department at any store and seeking out a product sans PEG, paraben, sulfate, or petroleum-based ethanols; it’s nearly impossible and terribly frightening to be introducing these carcinogens so early in life. So please take this guide and adapt it as you see fit for use in your young one’s life. I can almost guarantee that even replacing the essentials like diaper cream, baby wipes and talcs will result in a far more even tempered, healthy child.  There are no doubt countless mommy blogs out there singing the praises and offering up the recipes and secret weapons for integrating this into daily-life. If you are a mommy or a mommy to be, do your whole family a favour.

Coconut oil cleans up

• use it to clean counters, floors, stoves, sinks, toilets, remove stains from laundry, take wax out of clothing, clean silverware, protect ceiling fans from dust accumulation, wax your car, clean carpet stains and remove odours, clean walls from fingerprints and assist in the removal of stubborn wallpaper, clean and deodorize your fridge, remove stickers and other sticky substances from nearly any object, add lemon, baking soda and vinegar to make bar-none the best eco- cleaning product of all time.

…all that and you can eat it!

As if all of those sublime uses were not enough, the most prevalent use in modern culture for coconut oil is in cuisine. Since the dawn of time this oil has been held sacred an incorporated into daily diets in a plethora of creative ways that contribute to optimal health. Use it as a cooking oil or butter substitute in your gluten free baking-( use a 1 cup to 1 cup ratio when replacing butter in recipes with coconut oil.) Add it to shakes, smoothies, juices and teas for a superfood supplementation, Use it frozen into ice-cube trays, as a salad dressing, or soup-addition, steep herbs in it for delicious extracts… the ideas are as vast as your beautiful imagination.

A Secret Weapon with more uses than duct tape.

From bases for homemade products to clean fuel for cars, to lubing up your shovels in the cold winter for easy snow-catching action ( seriously i just did this today after a massive february-dumping of snow )  to cleaning paint from your brushes, to removing gum from your kid’s hair, to freeing a stuck zipper, to stopping a squeaky mattress to lubing your guitar strings to lubing your lover… the benefits are endless and the best part is you can get as creative as you like. I will continue adding to this list as i discover more uses, but no doubt at this point – like myself you are probably asking the question- is there truly, feasibly anything this miraculous oil can’t do?!?! and my dears i believe the answer is a resounding no. In fact if there is something that you discover coconut oil is not good for, let us know and we will purchase your next jar for you. In the meantime feel free to go all cocoloco.


eastern medicine, EMPOWER, empowerment, FUEL, Nourished Warrior Wellness, RESOLVE, revolution

#WTFU vol. 2 preview: up next on our list of the top 10 truths you need to know…

"If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles." sun tzu- The Art of War 

Volume two in the WTFU: ten truths you need to know series, is coming and its all about control…stay (at)tuned.


EMPOWER, empowerment, FUEL, Nourished Warrior Wellness, Nourished Warrior Wellness: INDULGE, organic, PURIFY, raw, tasty healing, the shift, wellness warriors

Nourished Warrior Wellness: detoxing your life – an all-in-one- condensed intro to clean fuel


a mastercleanse for your existence.

In the plan to become a thriving and Nourished Warrior, it’s all about wellness, wisdom and waking up – not necessarily in that order.

Throughout our blog – you will find we will categorize each aspect of wellness: INDULGEFUELPURIFYEMPOWERRESOLVE and RESTORE Each of these categories contains an arsenal, from which to draw from as you make your way on your path.

Each aspect will address important elements of your overall wellness needs, and strive to educate, enlighten and empower you as to the remarkable avenues accessible to get you to your ultimate end-point. Optimal wellness, a thriving life. Becoming The Nourished Warrior.

In this installment we will be sharing insight from the FUEL arsenal. FUEL itself can be many things, primarily it is what we feed our bodies, during the daily strive to thrive.

Lately we have been getting alot of questions from people who are on the verge, the verge of realization in many facets, those whom need just that wee little tipping point moment to change their journey towards thriving. The Nourished Warrior Wellness armory has been building itself organically for months now, with several installments and various printable-infographics to wield on your journey through the consumer maze.

The foundational knowledge you need when you begin this lifestyle- starts with understanding those inconvenient truths surrounding both our culture and our food system, and for those who are indeed on the verge it takes some strategic maneuvering- so as you do not feel overwhelmed by the wealth of truth that lays just below the surface. Basically it’s about leading you to the cliff, with grace and infusing you with the wisdom to take the leap with confidence and clarity as your parachute.

It’s about giving the right amount of info, piece by piece and step by step- filtering it wisely as not to create discouragement or fear, leading to the proverbial cliff but never pushing you off the cliff by delivering an avalanche of info.  Too much at once- we’ve seen it happen- very often ends up in zero progress. zero interest and zero motivation to start.

The path is unique for everyone- but the one thing that is not unique is the need to take one step, one breath, one moment at a time.

Ingesting knowledge as if it were a balanced meal- bite-sized, moderate portions allow for a healthy digestive process- and it is the same when you are serving up information.

Having said that, this piece is going to be for:

– the peeps who are entirely new, either new to any and all of this,  just waking up, slightly suspicious and emotionally, physically, spiritually aware that something just ain’t right,

– or for those who are feeling that awakening in the form of physical manifestation…. ( Perhaps you are perpetually sick for no explained reason, you’ve been to several different dr’s each with a questionable diagnosis, or an answer of prescribed medication or better yet further treatment – excuses to swipe your health card- each appointment leaves you feeling frustrated, confused, or perhaps even with a false sense of certainty- short-term solutions that address the symptom, the immediate issue, or the side-effect, but never the root cause. To put it simply, and kindly- Western Medicine does not see the whole person. They do not look at you like the wonderfully complex organism that you are, with physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health that is interconnected- and thus needs to be addressed from a wholistic standpoint. They don’t seek true root cause- They treat you in pieces, and they treat the by-products of the illness which most times is, at its root- emotional trauma that needs healing. and our understanding of reality that needs healing. We have been programmed for centuries to suffer. It doesn’t have to be this way!

Perhaps you are ill on a daily basis with gastro-intestinal issues, popping Zantac and Gravol like candy or even worse- you’re on some form of dopamine or seratonin agonist that was prescribed as you described feeling sad, anxious, depressed, unstable, dizzy, unfocused, confused, de-motivated, insomniacal, or even just plain unsure as to what the discomfort was all about- unsure about your life and where you are going, what you are supposed to be doing.

This is for the chronic pain patients and the Crohn’s and IBS sufferers, for the peeps with no explanation for why you suddenly stopped feeling ‘like you’

Let me tell you now- before we begin this journey together- it goes much deeper than simply diet- this many layered lotus of understanding the truth of reality in our modern world… but the one place where we truly have control, is within our ability to make the empowered choice when it comes to what we put inside our bodies. As related to the physical aspects that are affected by diet and by toxins and by popculture lifestyle projections- and the inevitable manifestations of those illnesses…i have been through it all.

Ive been an abused woman, and suffered a series of toxic relationship patterns that taught me all kinds of ill-conceived ideas,

had miscarriages, followed by surgeries that led to specialists and a landslide of mis-diagnosis ( see my medical marijuana journey )

suffered anxiety, depression, panic, social-phobia and social issues of any and every measure, i’ve had sleep disorders, ( was treated with every anti-depressant on the market all before the age of 22 )

chronic self-sabotage and chronic emotional pain that many a day had me convinced i was crazy and I spent muchos time afraid if i let anyone know what went on in my mind – i’d be comitted.

i’ve suffered gallstones and gallbladder surgery,

a peptic ulcer so bad it bordered perforation,

i’ve had chronic irritable bowel syndrome since i was a child and was never diagnosed with- although i suspect that before i began to eat clean- i was on the border of both Crohn’s disease with a side of bleeding ulcer,

Popping ulcer and pain and anti-anxiety meds at various intervals and never, ever quite feeling like i’d found the solution.

I’ve had body-dysmorphia, various shades of eating disorders and neverending battle with food- that led me to the depths of sickness and the slightest of frames due to the 4 hours a day i would spend in the gym,

I wiped out my adrenal glands and wore out my immune system and my nervous system saw havoc wreaked on it from my simple day-today-

All of the above i suffered through western medicine as my blind-guide to understanding- what woke me up was the realization of how deeply our bodies are connected to our minds, spirits and emotions- and they but manifest what lays within us to be healed- without my journey with yoga its doubtful i ever would have made it to healing. No matter what your wake-up call is or whom your co-pilot co-creator or collaborator is- we all need one on this voyage to awakening our highest level happiness and health.

I never had a guide, nor a book of tips to read from, nor any friends who understood the depth of knowledge i sought. I’ve pieced together information from a lifetime of seeking. I’ve never had the access or resources to seek out the help of healers- ( alternative medicine until it is recognized as legitimate healthcare need, will never be covered by OHIP here in Canada, ) and it is because of that- i have had to learn my own way, muster up my own methodology, develop my own path to healing without the support of the Accupuncturists, Chinese Medicine Doctors, Massage Therapists, Ayurvedic Healers and any of the other countless gifted healers out there.

What that led me to understand – above all, is that one of my primary purposes in this life- is to be a healer myself. Through my own suffering i learned my own gift. An innate ability to heal others through words, through touch, through perspective and ultimately through the tools i craft– has been a blessing unto myself, as it’s allowed me the opportunity to develop my own capacities as a therapist of many measures. First and foremost- is always the journey of self-healing, ( and those who are in the know- know- that never ends. ) The work it takes to evolve yourself as a human being on the path to enlightenment and wellness- has no end-point. As my friend ( who is also a lovely satsang leader + spiritual teacher)  Paul Hedderman once said- “There is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, you are the gold” 

It is not a destination, but a journey. And a journey that with each step, gets richer, more rewarding, more blessed. So While i suffered all of these supposed conditions,  spread out over the last 30 years –  from those 30 years of physical challenge I’ve come out the other side nearly healed- each day becoming closer to the thriving state i strive for, and every day my desire to spread the love and wisdom grows.

Now this particular post was inspired by a conversation had on the weekend with a family member ( you know who you are, love ) who i deeply empathize with, not only circumstantially but also because i see alot of myself in her- as an empath, being near her, i can feel all her pain and the suffering she tries so hard to hide. But when in a closed environment with a Nourished Warrior – she began to come clean… as many people feel in the presence of someone who is truly present to listen,  a sense of security permeated the space, and with that comfort level came a slew of confessions- many of which are near identical to my own bouts with illness.

I promised her i’d put together something that would make it easy to push play on a path that would lead her to wellness. Now she may have been seeking something a bit shorter, more simple- like a straight-to-the-recipes- type of deal, but it doesn’t work that way. Understanding how to eat for wellness is like peeling an onion- a many layered lotus of wisdom.

The most important thing for anyone to know- but especially someone who feels they have so many issues they might never be well- is that our default state is thriving. Our default is optimal wellness and picture perfect health and the image of that perfection is continuously distorted ( firstly, it goes without saying ‘perfection’ itself, its totally outwardly distorted by culture’s impossible photoshopped version of what perfection is.) .. but what i’m speaking of is inner perfection, perfect wellness ..) it’s distorted by years of false advertising, false educating, false diagnosis, emotional abuse, masochism and self destructive habits. I speak from a place of deep experience on both sides- i’ve suffered through the sickness and i’ve sought the solutions that led to many healings.

So to start off – here’s a key thing to keep in mind as you embark on your journey to becoming a nourished warrior:

1-it’s not your fault. But it is your choice.

Here’s the thing : I was formally educated in advertising and in another life i donned a suit each day and was a part of the marketing mafia which finely tunes your perceptions- from music to meals to cars to deals- we spent long hours plotting to get your dollar.

What to eat, what to drink, what to wear, (& who to wear) how to act, what to think, who to follow, what to listen to, what to watch, – and the list goes on an on..

be wise to ‘washing’ :

That inside-the rabbit-hole wisdom gives me a most unique perspective when it comes to empowering you to the truth – and exposing the – BELIEF-washing that kills.

Belief-washing, is a term im pretty sure i just made up now as i write this- and the definition is similar what any other ‘washing’s’ definition would be- Brainwashing of course is the root- but in a social context- the original ‘washing’ was ‘white‘ Whitewashing which is defined as:  “a coordinated attempt to hide unpleasant facts, especially in a political context.”

 greenwashing : is a PR/Marketing spin cultivating the perception that a brand or organization’s intention, aim or product is environmentally friendly ie: the act of positioning something  as green, eco, ethical when in fact it is not.  

Health-washing – a term used to describe the activities of  brands and organizations that position themselves as ‘leaders’ in the mission to help create good health- while in fact they are very often engaging in practices that contribute to poor health.  

here’s  some scary proof:  you know the “Health Check” symbol that is stamped on a variety of products in the grocery store? The oh-so-official-looking seal of approval that supposedly renders a product baring it, superiorly healthy? It’s absolutely meaningless. It’s bullshit. Corporations pay the heart and stroke foundation big bucks for the ability to use it on their products. ( same as they pay various other groups to use various other claims… ) There is no standard that has to be met. Just an exchange of dollars for false credibility.

PINK-washing, this one- is a sick one, the act of putting a pretty little pink ribbon where it least belongs, packaged poison- appointed with a neat little pink ribbon to represent the brand’s supposed support of breast cancer research, when 8 times out of 10- the products that don that pink ribbon, are the products that are causing breast cancer!

here’s some proof:

Dove launched a line of products baring the famous pink ribbon. Each and every one of these products contained one or more of the following carcinogenic ingredients known to cause cancer or other reproductive issues.

So then, belief washing is the act of programming the belief system of an individual. Programming us to forget who and what we are- forcing us into being sheep that serve an agenda.   ( see: ) Mind control tactics and marketing savvy combined to wash your beliefs- from believing that cancer is your own fault, to believing that if you work hard- you will be wealthy, from believing in a failing system of government, to believing in false idols on television, from believing if you give your money to the church- somehow God will love you more- ( (s)he loves you regardless. ) to believing there is nothing better to do than watch TV- there is no opportunity to evolve, you are enslaved by society, there is no revolution to be had, believing that YOU have no power. believing that there is no other way then the way that we are taught as we are raised- to study and marry and breed and pay taxes and all of the bullshit that leads to an early grave.

We buy into all of this bullshit on the daily, because it’s bombarding us from all angles- screaming claims from food packaging, from TV commercials and from magazines, from retail store aisles In many cases making claims that are  fabricated, nonsensical and juxtaposed on the processed products they are promoting or the unhealthy habits they are sensationalizing. From mindless television shows like jersey shore to other ‘reality’ TV- to CNN to ET to TMZ- media teaches racism, discrimination, bullying, teaches us to hate, to negate, to segregate, to individualize- to apathize, and to disconnect.

The networks that program your weekly TV- are in essence programming your life. That is belief-washing. Ask yourself how you really feel after an evening of belief-washed television and healthwashed food. There is your clue.

So while it is not your fault, because you are indeed up against a massive power – it is indeed your choice. To free yourself of the ‘washing’ – and be truly cleansed. The same as it is your choice to be happy. It may not always seem as such, but just as suffering- happiness is indeed a choice. It sometimes takes some seriously cleansing to get to the place where you can make that choice easily, but it is possible.

In order to truly be without fault though, it is imperative to exercise your choice. Choosing to educate yourself as to what you are putting into yourself. Mind, body and spirit. Your consumption defines your ultimate state of being.

So if you choose then, to not be a victim of any ‘washing’ – what is the alternative? How do you get there?

Small steps. Education and ownership of understanding is the first step to becoming well. Start with really taking a look at what you are putting into your body on a daily basis. Everything you consume- form food, to social media, to conversation, to television,- any and everything we consume is a choice.

It’s habit energy and compulsion that leads to our downfall in near every situation we are in. whether it is falling prey to a former pattern in a relationship that’s toxic, or whether it’s reaching for an unhealthy snack- it’s that comfort and convenience that we always reach out for- because in the short-term it’s easier and feels better than change.

The best place to begin, i believe, in banishing the barrage of brainwashing, is to first take a clean look at your daily menu. As we discussed over the weekend with a family member of ours who is having a difficult time manifesting all manner of physical symptoms- which as i tried to delicately explain- is most likely 85% due to what she puts into and on her body- particularly food. Since this is a daily- necessity no matter who you are- it is often the easiest option to begin the master-cleanse with.

It is particularly challenging and perhaps the most complex of all categories crying out to be cleansed. Because there is so much frontin’ and fuckery- around food. Most food aint really even food at all- it’s shit crafted in a lab.


Unfortunately in the last century the degradation of our food system has reached a breaking point, a fever-pitch quite literally, and has become something that instead of fueling wellness-  fuels illness.

Diet is the single most important factor in maintaining and achieving optimal health and it is not only an under-valued aspect but it is an under-understood topic altogether. In the US Alone – 68% of all disease and 40% of all cancers are diet-related. It is through the perversion and industrialization of our food system, via corruption of the FDA, the horrors of Monsanto, and the never-ceasing decline in food quality fueling the incline in toxicity – that so many in our population continue to suffer from (food-borne) illness and disease. Also skyrocketing across the Western world are allergies and food intolerances which many ( Western Medicine ) Physicians ( through their own ignorance or compliance with this conspiracy) fail to properly diagnose; and when they do- the only solutions offered tend to be enlisting big-pharma by prescribing anti-inflammatory medications etc. ) Allergies and intolerances,  in themselves – are serious medical conditions resulting in the death and hospitalization of thousands- annually. Most of these are a by-product of defects in our industrialized food system. A perversion of agriculture, through the effects of  GMO‘s, hormones and terrifying herbicides, pesticides and petroleum based poisons that are regularly injected, infused and otherwise packed into our produce and packaged-good foods. The fact that in one way or another near every illness or complaint could likely be tracked back to what we put into our bodies- the truth that something so sinister has happened to food that it continues to cultivate profound disturbances in our physiology,  leads one to wonder- why is it that we do not strive to thrive? What sad state of complacency have we fallen into, that we no longer have the will to work for wellness? Why do we support a failing and flailing food/pharma/healthcare system ( that is so interconnected- the truth would blow your ever-loving minds ) ?

This knowledge vaccuum creates space for the conscious, the awake and the aware to rise up and take action, accountability and inspired action into our own hands. Through self-empowerment, education and understanding of the dynamics of how we as humans, relate to food- and the reality of what’s available to us in any old supermarket= we can revolutionize the ways in which we fuel ourselves. Ruling out the potential for disease and illness, and empowering those currently suffering from many of the ill-effects of a broken system of sustenance. All that it takes in actuality- is the desire to do better. To live better. To want to be the change that you wish to see in the world. That change starts from within, inside your temple – where the true healing and the true journey to thriving begins.

WE believe in you. We believe that you are worthy of better, brighter, healthier, cleaner and more sustainable sources of fuel, and it is our mission to bring that to you- in as tasty a package as possible.

#Healing is wonderful, tasty healing- that shit is divine.

So, so, so, Where to start?

First before even considering what to shop for, what to toss out and what kind of recipes you are going to make- make yourself come face to face with the truths about our failing food system; for more information on all things FDA, Big-pharma, Industrialized Food etc. please visit any of the following links to educate yourself further:

Secondly: in educating anyone just awakening to the realities of our food system- the second most important rule of thumb to live by is

please, please protest GMO’s.

WATCH:for anyone who is not educated as to what precisely GMO’s are, and why they are a horrific invention by a desperate society seeking to perpetuate disease:

Jeffrey Smith’s mesmerizing film shines a bright light of hope that we can reclaim our health and our food systems…
It’s a real wake up call as to just how deep the corruption of our food chain truly is.. unveiling a world most of us have never seen: exposing the bullying & deceit of the biotech industry, Monsanto’s strong arm tactics, the FDA’s fraudulent policies, & how the USDA adamantly ignores a growing health emergency-

top 3 tips for avoiding GMO foods:

1- buy certified organic. By law organics cannot contain GMO’s ( though questionable in the US- ecocert and Canadian Organic certifications are a safe bet.

2. Look for non-GMO labels, while the petition to have GMO’s labelled has been ongoing for years now, many brands have adopted their own practice of choosing to label their foods non-GMO for the safety and concern of the consumer. ( note: currently there are NO laws in place stating that companies that produce products made with GMO’s must label their products accordingly- a rather terrifying proposition but a seriously fucked up reality. Please do your research. Buy wise.

because evil giant Monsanto will never allow the people to win the battle to label GMO foods- there are a slew of brands, more and more each day who are doing the right thing by labelling their products GMO-free. this is what you should be looking for on anything you buy: —->

if it does not have this seal, and it is not organic – i don’t buy it.

3- avoid any at-risk ingredients, the top culprits being: corn, soy, canola, cottonseed and sugar ( sugar in itself is a sick plague on humanity with its own laundry list of offenses )

if you need any further evidence, ( because perhaps you haven’t yet watched the genetic roulette film-)  have a look at this:

this is a Pig Stomach- used for research purposes to show the effects of a stomach that has been fed a GMO diet.

Results show a 267% increase in severe stomach inflammation compared to those fed non-GMO diets

Learn more:

Plus: A stunning new research study identifies exactly what makes GMO foods dangerous, along with just how GMO foods causes depression anxiety and other serious health conditions su

ch as autism, obesity, Parkinson’s, diabetes, cancer, alzheimers and more.

Top 10 illnesses caused by GMO’s

1- depression and anxiety- this one is huge.

2- Alzheimers

3- Diabetes

4- Cancer

5- Parkinson’s Disease

6- Gastrointestinal issues

ssues such as IBS, Crohn’s disease, ulcers, Leaky Gut syndrome and a host of other nastiness

7- Killing off of Bee Colonies- bees are absolutely essential for human survival on this planet

8- increase in severe food allergies

9- becoming anti-biotic resistant and all around increased toxicity to boot

10- this list could go on forever really, as each day something new about the harmful, horrific effects of this disgusting mutant creation is discovered. A simple google will affirm everything that i have listed here and teach you a wide variety of other horrifying information that is sure to keep you up at night. Your best bet? First, watch the genetic roulette film, get educated- and secondly print the list i have created here, and avoid buying ANY product that is GMO.

Thirdly, for those of you who need some additional assistance in understanding how to read labels, what to look for, what to avoid and what to weed out of your current kitchen: we will be addressing chemicals, toxins and additives, carcinogens and other poisons bit by bit. –

here’s a handy go-to-GMO-guide to add to your arsenal- any and everything  on this list is a GMO ingredient which means absolutely, positively DO NOT PUT IT INTO YOUR BODY.

you can also visit the NON Gmo product site, and browse participating products.

: print it off ( it’s size 4×6 ) &  keep in your wallet when you’re grocery shopping or save it to your smart phone and pull it up when you are label-checking @ the store.


Next: as related to creating healthy and clean meal plans, we will first touch on shopping for clean-cuisine – where to buy safe food locally and how to prepare naturally powerful foods that will sustain,nourish and fuel your overall wellness.

Navigating the maze of pre-packaged poisons and debunking the bullshit that’s depraved-is tough, it’s all cleverly worded by genius smiths of copy and talented art directors and packaging designers who spend years studying consumer trends, psychology of shopping and the hierarchy of needs that compels your purchase. I’ve been one of those people at high-level agencies whoring for one of the biggest brands on the planet. With a behind the scenes understanding of what really goes in to manufacturing the messages that sell- with peeps like us speaking out, it’s no wonder that so many legions of people are questioning everything they see- especially the foods which contain unpronouncable items – and shit that you wouldnt feed the starving. Alot of what has rendered us sick, toxic and generally unwell at an overall is not entirely our fault. Reality is we live in a society that has been crafted to cultivate our demise. That may sound like crazy ass- 1% occupy shit, but believe me, the things that we are shown, the realiy we see is akin to the tip of an iceberg. Corporations package poisons that line store shelves backed by marketing that’s chief concept is to amuse and confuse.

: manifesting a meal plan that empowers : vol. 1 |  SHOPPING part 1

for the smartphone user to wisen herself up to what’s potentially harmful, especially when shopping for nourishment.

So, we discussed the dangers of dealing with GMO’s, Any product produced by Monsanto- and the health-washing that is so widespread that is is keeping consumers confused about what the fuck they can actually EAT in this day and age. We feel you, dude. We have been struggling through the same suffersome bullshit near each and every time we enter a grocery store, and it never gets any easier- especially with the new and improved ways in which marketers and manufacturers have sneakily continued to produce chemical-ridden food- touted as ‘natural’. ‘eco’ or even ‘organic’- they continue to produce food that is totally toxic, and think they are pulling one over on you when you cleverly pull out your app- that tells you what the un-pronouncable ingredients on that label mean- and they have found a new way to rename the synthetic evils and get em into the products without you being any the wiser. The reality is that its fucken tough dude, because of that we have created our printable infographics, but also recco’d is doing what we do- downloading a series of App’s for your iPhone that allow you to plug right into what’s edible as you browse. ( some of them even let you scan the label for potential danger )

here are just some of the great APPS out there to help you on your journey through the grocery store aisles::

we recco: What’s in my food?


ISCANMYFOOD- which lets you scan the labels for chemicals as you shop

Chemical Maze -” The ultimate shopping guide to decode the Food Additives and Cosmetic Ingredients Maze”

and CPSI chemical cuisine

–   those are just a few of the many many apps that are part of a list that is growing every day.

Companies are evolving along with the technology and still stealthy getting the shit into our foods but we can arm ourselves with wise-shopper weaponry, to out-wit the wankers who want to sicken us.

Now that we have provided a few tools for empowerment, to wield on your grocery store journey, let’s have a look at what is actually safe to buy from the grocery store shelves.

Produce is huge. We all need it, our bodies crave it- and it can get pretty pricey to buy organic, but let me tell you- when it’s a tradeoff between spending the extra 40 cents per pound to get that organic fruit- or paying literally for the rest of your life as you suffer from gastrointestinal issues or severe depression caused by chemicals sprayed onto food… The investment takes on a new meaning.

Pretty much goes without saying to NEVER BUY- any produce that is not organic, there are levels of toxicity- sure, but regardless your optimal wellness requires NO chemicals whatsoever, not even in small amounts and nearly every piece of produce available in grocery store departments, is coated with herbicides, pesticides of what measure- you might never know. Having said that- there is a rule of thumb in this particular area- its called the ‘dirty dozen & the clean 15’ which will illustrate to you, the top 12 filthiest fruits and veggies, along with the cleanest 15 you can buy non-organic. Here is a handy healthy-chart with which to wield on your grocery store journey. please either save this image to your smart-phone for reference- or print this out and put it in your wallet!


If you do decide to go organic, here’s what you need to know:

Not all organic is organic, and not all organic means healthy. and Definitely ‘natural’ does NOT mean organic. ( infact natural should be entirely avouded all together, ( i cannot stress this enough- calling something 100% natural is 100% health-washing. think about it. ) Serves to be said that the least of evils when buying off the shelf will always be the organic option- however the reality is that there are very very few independent organic brands left.

Why would you want to buy independent? other than the security of knowing that your food is not being mass-produced in some massive factory, by faceless lineworkers who don’t know the difference between quinoa and kamut- the fact is those giant corporations are criminal. 90% of the companies listed on this tree have been accused of human rights violations amidst a host of other unspeakable and ridiculous crimes that are regularly swept under a very large government shampooed rug.

The organic industry is a $15billion dollar per year proposition, and quickly evolving into not much more than a cash-grab for corporate giants who want nothing more than to industrialize the very notion of the term organic, rendering it into just more mass-produced, bottom-line-driven, chemical-laden crap;  duping unsuspecting consumers into shelling out 2 or 3X the amount of hard won dollars for products that are often as toxic as their traditional counter-parts. Sickeningly also, in the US – commercial use of the term ‘organic’ is governed by the Department of Agriculture, a Federal Beaurocracy, with deep Monsanto-loyalty and little interest in preserving the integrity of our food system. ( Many of the remaining indie-organic brands have even shunned using the USDA organic label on their products, under the premise that the standards of approval are far too lax and lacking integrity. ) …Still the reality remains, we live in this society and obviously sustain the ongoing need to feed ourselves, so all in all we have little choice but to shop for fuel in the chain-grocery stores that monopolize our markets.

The average supermarket carries more than 30,000 products. Which leads us to believe we have a multitude of options when striving to shop for healthy meals.

The reality is much different. Of the very slim organic pickin’s in the grocery store, nearly all of them are owned by corporations. Even the most pure brands, are no longer indie-owned and it’s becoming a sad state of affairs.

The UK guardian did a survey on this topic and found that a staggeringly high percentage of consumers are entirely ignorant as to what corporations are behind their favourite organic products. ( although not a shock considering many peeps still haven’t a clue what a GMO is, or even so much as an inkling as to why they would even bother buying organic ) The stark reality is that, many big businesses want it that way. They want you ignorant, in the dark, and drinking the kool-aid perpetually. They want you believing that cancer has nothing to do with what you eat, and that modern medicine is the answer to all that ails you,  that you have no control whatsoever over what you choose to put into your body- and while they might monopolize the market, they can never, ever take away your fundamental right to be conscious. So exercising that right becomes more important than ever, and opening the eyes of anyone you can along your way, becomes your dharma and god-given duty as an awakened human in this world.

Some of the staple-shelf items available in most retailers are brands like: Kashi, Boca Burger, Odwalla, Bolthouse Juice, Green & Blacks Organic chocolate, all of whom have fallen into the clutches of some of the most ruthless corporate criminals, and it’s a daunting task seeking out the information by which to empower yourself, when making grocery-store purchases. ( even as a highly-aware consumer- having been keen to this knowledge for years,  in doing the research for this piece i came across some surprises myself when compiling the chart below )

Dr. Phil Howard, Assistant Professor at Michigan State University, has been working on exposing the reality of the organic industry since 2007, by cultivating a database that lets consumers know which corporations are behind the organic brands on shelf. And it has evolved in the last 6 years from 30 topline companies, to over 100 brands that have corporate-parents.

So what does the Dr. have to say about the recent trend in organic food?

“On the positive side more and more of our foods are healthier for us, as more and more become certified organic. The USDA standards for organic prohibit genetically engineered and irradiated ingredients and synthetic pesticides. The volume purchasing power of these large corporations has also helped bring down the average cost of organic foods and increased their availability.

On the flip side, rather than rotating crops, major food manufacturers tend to plant a single item, then farm in on an industrial scale using trucked in organic fertilizer. Then harvested product is processed, packaged and shipped all over the world increasing fossil fuel consumption and packaging waste.”

So fellow-warriors, is it a catch-22? Do we be dismayed into paralysis by the industrialization of organic,  or do we applaud the fact that the food supply is becoming greener and more organic?

We agree with the professor on this one:

” As the industry evolves, we must address concentration in the industry, where food comes from, how far it travels and by what means, packaging and waste, a living wage for farm workers, preserving farmland and keeping farmers on the land, and continuing to be the front line for sustainability.

However, The success of organic, is a striking reminder that we have the power to influence the way food is grown, processed and distributed. Those who continue to fight for the ideals of the original organic movement should feel optimistic about achieving these goals in the future. “

It’s an interesting thing to watch really, the evolution once these brands have been acquired- particularly how many of the ingredients remain truly organic.  Some label-detective work would be wise when choosing whether to continue to buy that organic option… A good example of a turncoat-product here, Is SILK- who makes soy-based beverages, and after being purchased by Dean Foods, without changing their label ( save stealthy removing organic from it ) they made the switch from using organic soybeans to conventional GMO-grown beans.

Beyond the ingredient-watch, we need to be looking up-line and indepth into the backgrounds of these multi-national corporations that are seeking claim of a lucrative organic industry, Dr. Howard told Forbes magazine:

“think about the recent vote on labeling genetically engineered foods in California [Proposition 37],  “Transnational corporations with stealth ownership of many organic food brands donated money to stop this effort, which is contrary to the views of the vast majority of all consumers (not just organic consumers).”  Coca-cola (owner of Honest Tea and Odwalla), Pepsi-Co (Naked Juice), and General Mills (owner of Lara Bar and Food Should Taste Good) each contributed more than a million dollars to oppose Proposition 37.

At an overall it serves to be said, It would do everyone well to become as educated as possible ’round just what it is, you are fueling your temple with. ( This goes far beyond simple foods, and as we have discussed in different features- you also need to consider what you are putting ON your body, as well as in your body. ) But as it goes, one small step at a time towards becoming an awakened, educated, empowered, Nourished Warrior is all that is asked of you.

There is no escaping it peeps, we live in a corporate-owned world.  As we speak, peeps are even trying to patent our genetics- a company somewhere out of the US potentially currently owns 20% of your DNA. ( it’s true. google it. gene patenting is a scary thing. ) So while we can strive to be as clean as possible in our living, the only real way to be sure you are armed with the knowledge that you are living-pure, is to grow your own food, cultivate your own products and live off the land.. ( not as easy as it sounds considering the cost of real estate and the fact that most of our greenspace is also corporate owned, but small steps make big change ) and regardless, in all instances, knowledge is your best weapon.

There is a full list further to the hierarchy chart that we are about to provide that can be found on Nutrition Wonderland,  ( bare in mind this list is from 2009, and many brands listed have since been acquired by corporate, so best to refer to the updated chart that will follow here ) – this article details a by-brand database of goods, their corporate counter-parts, and the best part is that they have direct links to each of the corporate sites for sleuthing.  Also note: there is a ( now depleted, but still semi-relevant )  list of the remaining independent brands here, those brave businesses who continue to boldly stand strong against big-business, if you are going to really make a commitment to going-organic, strive to seek out these indie-brands who remain wholesome amidst a corrupted world.

So at the end of it all, what is the answer, do we continue to seek out local, indie brands at often unaffordable cost, and limited accessibility or do we buy into industrialized organics, because it is readily available to us? The choice is yours, ultimately. If you feel good in that you are making an ethical decision, and the contents of your shopping cart contains a testament to truly exercising your consumer buying power, rock on. But please just remember, your dollas are your hollas for a better world.

While this list pretty much covers the big players, please consider the fact that underneath each of these brands listed- lives a plethora of product lines and individual items, potentially claiming to be organic, all natural or otherwise ethical, when in reality they are not. In addition to this, many of these parent companies listed ( at least 70% ) are Monsanto-owned; as well there are other corporations ( unilever, proctor and gamble etc. etc. etc. ) who on the daily, are trying with all their might to acquire organic and ethical business, with a never-satiated appetite to gobble up momandpopshops.

Here is the hierarchy complete with organic brands, and their-corporate counter-parts. rebirthed, nourished-warrior-style for your printing-pleasure. We will do our best to keep an eye out- and make additions to this as new info comes in. For more information on Canadian products and services that are quality homegrown green, please visit

All we ask in return is that you please wield your weapons of wisdom when out there in the world.




manifesting a meal plan that empowers : vol. 1 |  SHOPPING part 2

 So everything is GMO, everything is poison, everything has chemicals in it, everything is carcinogenic and horrible for your health- and if it’s not horrible, it’s an organic product that belongs to a huge corporate criminal. Because of this fact, going to the grocery store is an often stressful act – and in suburban areas without regular access to Farmer’s Markets and fruitstands it can be near impossible to score a fresh, clean meal.

here are my clean-meal must-haves, followed by tips on where to get them and a local grocery chain breakdown.  ( yes they are all super-foods and with an easy google you can see why they are in the top ten )

1- coconut oil get this anywhere. my favourite brand is NOW organic or Maison Orphee but Grace makes a good one + for 6 bucks you can get @ Metro

put it on toast, use it to cook with, on your skin, in your hair, brush your teeth with it, use it to clean… there is literally nothing this super-substance can’t do. in fact, if you do find something, let me know & ill buy you your next jar.

2- hemp seeds – if you could only eat one thing during a zombie apocalypse- this should be it. get these in bulk @ the local healthfood store, typically you can get a pound or two for warriorwelnnes$15 – the smaller bags are about ten bucks ( you can get samples very often too @ healthfood stores, the sample bags will last a day or so for one person )

3- quinoa –   it’s cheap, versatile, delicious, it’s got all 9 essential amino acids, it’s a supersupersuperfood.  

4- chia -awesome mixed with all of the above and all of the below. ( tip: sprout it for 2 days to make it a super-super-food. ) top a salad with it, add it to cereal, trailmix, homemade muffins- smoothies, juices, etc. get it @ bulk barn by the 100G or by the bag @ healthfood stores. wherever you can find it cheapest. this is one of the ancient foods that are making a trendy comeback- & the price attests.

5- flax– mix it with all of the above and all of the below. add it to muffins, top salads with it, use it in super-juices and smoothies and you can also sprout it to make it even better for you. (tip: the stuff left over after sprouting is actually a fantastic homemade eco-friendly lube, just ask my friends, The Red Tent Sisters

6- nuts: cashews, almonds, whatever does it for you- as long as they aren’t coated with canola, saflower ( GMO) oil, like many store-sold nuts are.

7- cacao – i have the entire bean in different forms, cacao butter, nibs, powder, – it’s all glorious raw chocolate superfood bliss that can sustain you for days with its magic. the ancient mayans + aztecs actually used cacao as currency, ( it’s my personal belief that if done right, that could make a comeback in the new economy. )

8- additive combos: i choose maca, turmeric, ashwaghanda, hibiscus, triphala powder ( the organic traditions collection pretty much guarantees goodness, regardless fo what you buy)

9- almond or flax milk. i like personally the coconut almond milk. while it’s super-easy to make your own milk from nuts ( not pun intended ) it’s just as easy to buy some. There are more + more brands who are going the way of the nut now- and Earth’s Best- was the brand-to-buy- however now they seem to have during a shift in packaging design, conspicuously removed the GMO -FREE seal.. ( don’t think we didnt notice you snuck in the canola at the same time ) therefore we now make our own. But if you have to buy- you can get SILK brand as an alternative to homemade ( although please keep in mind SILK is now owned by a big ass corporation ) 

10. fresh produce. this is the sticky one. ( always refer to the dirty dozen and clean fifteen chart above if you are not gong to eat organic produce ) our best organic staple buys are always apples, berries, pineapple, spinach, kale, beans ( garbanzo, navy, anything you want to put into a chili or a salad or a dip ) you may be best to try out a home delivery service if you can afford it and are not close to a good grocery or farmer’s market. There are plenty in T.O. – front door organics, 

mama earth organics,  there’s culinarium, wychwood green barn and a slew of other goodness especially up there on the Danforth. for those whom are slightly east- there is Durham Organics- starting @ $37 per week you can get your local, seasonal organic produce delivered.

For local Torontonians- living in Urban areas, you have a distinct advantage in that alot of the neighbourhood grocery stores are independent and farmer oriented. Retailers in urban areas are wise to the growing health ‘trend’ and stock their shelves accordingly knowing that the demand for real food- is only going to become greater. Peeps in the Toronto area, make us envious for there is no better a place to shop than the Big Carrot in the Carrot Common on the Danforth- a wonderland of ethical products, an eco-haven for non-toxic household supplies and a veritable escape from the un-ethical practices of franchise grocery store giants that make up the majority of the suburban shopping-scape. Most of the products you will find in a retailer like the Big Carrot will be organic, local and free of most GMO’s – and of course will be priced accordingly- with markups that will give some of us shoe-string budget conscious &  ethically conscious shoppers- a hard hit to the wallet; however it’s worth it if you can put faith in knowing that what you are buying will not make you sick. For those of you in the outskirts of the GTA- in suburban places, you will have a bit more of a challenge when it comes to navigating the chemical maze of the grocery store, so let’s have a look at a few things to watch out for when shopping for your weekly meal planning.

a few notes on other grocery chains:


– used to have a pretty good selection of organics and in the last year or so- did a province-wide sweep of stores that included renovations and consequently loss of most of the organic shelf-space. they have now just a teeny-tiny space for produce peppers, tomatoes, kale, broccoli and some other staple items can always be found here. Of all the Chain groceries-  Metro has the best organic produce selection.  

• Get peppers, Kale, Broccoli, Apples, Oranges, Yams etc.

* has its own brand of quinoa that is called ‘bio’ sells for $2.69 a bag and one of those bags is good for at least a 2 day meal for 3

* they also sell Bob’s redMill products, all of which are on the yum list.

* have picked up local Toronto Vegan brand- sweets from the earth– which if you are a sugar or choco-junkie, is a delightful thing. They make amazing gluten free brownies, cheesecakes and now cupcakes. ( just remember gluten free and organic does not always mean sugar free- and each teaspoon of sugar can suppress your immune system for up to 6 hours- bare that in mind when you are shopping in the winter months when germs are all-over)

Sobeys – has a pretty poor organic product section- in fact it’s shoved off in a corner of the entire department itself, allotted only a small amount of floorspace- and thus the offerings are limited here. Often times you can find deals on items such as blueberries, strawberries, celery, mushrooms, onions, and sometimes- but not always, salads. I would suggest if these items are on sale- stocking up and freezing the produce that will hold up well under frosty-temps, so that you can rely on the fact you will have these items available for making smoothies and the like.

Sobey’s has recently undergone some sort of weird rebrand that seems to be all about Jamie Oliver- i’ve joked with the peeps that work there they should run a contest to see if someone can guess how many Jamie heads are in the store ( it’s that ridiculous in there) HOWEVER, they have devoted a whole, new, amazing aisle to organic and healthy foods. Nut butters and cereals and staple items and drinks, alongside home-cleaning products and personal care needs ( which i wont be discussing in this piece but are a massive part of your overall detox program ) Nevertheless- look here for deals on some organic staples like beans, quinoa, gluten-free pasta, sauces, canned tomatoes and crackers.

The other chain grocery’s do not deserve a mention beyond this: We live in a time and a society that considers healthy, organic and whole food- a luxury, not something deserved but a luxury reserved for those who live beyond basics ( this couldn’t be further from the truth ) but it is the reality- so having said that- what do you think you will really find @ any place that is refers to Basics, Frills or otherwise?

In the next piece, i will be hooking you up with some staple recipes to start your transition with. In the meantime, this is alot to digest, may i suggest drinking at least 3 litres of water to aid the process…Which leads me to the ultimate lesson in lifestyle transformation – l’aqua. The # 1 key to healthy-living is water. doesn’t get simpler or easier than clean, pure water. I now luckily have a local-hook-up who keeps me quenched with alkaline water on the weekly- which is an amazing gift for which i will ever be grateful. Another little known fact that contributes to the illness of so much of the population is that many if not most of us, are highly acidic. Our bodies are toxic, inflamed, just straight up acidic. In order to maintain optimal health we need to maintain a healthy PH level in our body- which is ever-more difficult to do considering how difficult it is to eat and live clean. The very first thing i would do- if i was a newbie on a detox plan is make the transition from normal tap or bottled springwater- ( which is FULL of dirt and sediment completely invisible to the naked eye ) to Alkaline water. I’ve got a local hookup who will fill your first  jug for free.  ( more on him later, too )

that’s it for now, as you dig into this whole new world of wisdom, remember the highest level health and happiness all depends on love. the love you have for yourself, and the love you know you deserve. giveyourselfsome. xoxox whilst you are on the journey to cleansing your diet- you may also be interested following along with my my feng shui your universe seriesthe first installment is all about releasing baggage, emotional, mental, spiritual and otherwise. ‘relationship feng shui’ letting go of all the people, relationships, associations, circumstances and unhealthy people who dont serve your highest level good. This is all part of the mastercleanse and with each beautiful, brave, bold step you take towards becoming clean- you will become empowered, nourished and closer to embodying fully- your innate Warrior.

Next up in your own personalized series ms. J is- conscious eating: #superfoodsnackinonabudget: top 10 super-clean, superfood meals for under 10 bucks a day




Nourish Your Nature.

– The Nourished Warrior

CLEANSE, CURES, eastern medicine, EMPOWER, empowerment, energy medicine, FUEL, Nourished Warrior Wellness, PURIFY, relationships, REPLENISH, RESOLVE

feng shui your universe vol.1 – banish your baggage: relationship feng shui

Summer swept through our lives seeming so quickly up here in Canada and with it the whimsical notions of sun drenched adventures and days that never end…are out…
One of the most beautiful things in the world to me, is autumn in Ontario… everything alight with firey harvest glory and whilst springtime is typically the ubiquitous time of cleansing, detox, cleaning out closets and sweeping the dusty chambers of our consciousness- regardless of equinox or solstice, in every seasonal shift there is always a sense that we need to also shift our environments within and without; become mindful of any buried and/or burdening baggage, rid our universe of the things, people, circumstances which no longer serve highest level good, burn down the blockages that block the ability to flow with the moments that weave colourful experience into life.

Time for a good feng shui cleanse.
Those aspects of your life that are stagnant or simply sucking up valuable mindscape real estate? They gotta go; and never a better time than now, to evolve past who you were and recalibrate your reality into a vibrant and revitalized version of now.
One thing i have learned, is that often by the time peeps begin to feel the weight of excess baggage in their lives- it may already have caused much un-realized damage that needs repair and replenishing. So ever-important is the necessity of being mindful of what makes up our proverbial (and literal ‘houses’)  … audit the feng shui of our soul – assess what it is we carry around, year after year, day-to-day, to determine what needs to take a serious hike, the hell out of our lives.

Mindful or not, the reality is that the excess crap in our lives, looks for a place to hide… it seeks out  weak spots within and without us, like a compromised immune system, vulnerable to disease- the clutter and the baggage finds a way to cling…this comes in many forms, unhealthy relationships, excess material nonsense that overflows our homes, obsessive thought-loops that fester anxiety and blockages, old love letters, photos, clothes that no longer fit, the shit that we own, very much ends up owning us- and the relationships we keep define our character. So in the overall picture of optimal wellness- it is essential to sit with yourself, take stock of your universe, and to formulate a plan to feng shui it- into alignment.

For me there is a strategy and a methodology that helps to cultivate balance and shed the shit that no longer serves; a finely tuned skill-set incorporating the concept of feng shui; That ancient system of order that allows for optimal flow of energy within the world(s) we live in; and inspired by the principles i’ve curated my own ‘cleansing’ an interpretation for detox and re-order.

I have applied sacred logic to the lay of the land within, and in my ‘house’ it is more than simple (re)placement or symbolic (re)decoration, but a dynamic way of rebirthing, re-organizing and replenishing all that composes my existence.
( disclaimer: those whom are serious into the system of feng shui, consider some of this conceptual and loosely used, bound to no pre-conception, held to no expectation except a theoretical inspiration for which to plot thriving. )


Having a deep seated desire to live a minimalist life, carries with it the need to continuously be consciously-choosing the hows, whos and whys, prioritizing both the expending of energy and the space i allot for all ‘things’ in my world. The most sticky of all shui- is the art of human relationship, the most difficult things to release, re-calibrate or re-constitute, are the relationships, the people we know and the love that we give and the emotional connections that contribute to the vast woven quilt of our very being itself.. Sometimes the relationships are living, breathing people and sometimes it’s relationship to self, how we relate to our emotions or connect to past situations – indeed sometimes this baggage is about all about healing the memory. Recalibrating our connection to source, by ridding residual ‘shit’.
Understanding the intricate dynamics of connection and relation is something that has required the highest level of practice, sensitivity, courage and confidence. All of my life, I have been a magnet for emotional vampires. I’ve been an enabler to addicts and a co-dependant to destruction, witnessed more turmoil and cut more people off,  by the time i was 20, than most do in a lifetime on earth… and from my own history-book of perceived errors- i have a lot to offer to those who are unsure how to proceed in this aspect of the cleanse.

I’ve been in relationships that have been riddled with abuse, relationships where i gave past the point of exhaustion, relationships that mirrored my own masochism and fear, relationships that went on for years after their best before date, that in themselves bred so many levels, layers, compartmentalized suffering and life-blocking baggage- sometimes i lost myself, forgot the essence of real love, the feeling and the understanding of what a healthy connection felt like. Lost the perspective of what a healthy universe looked like…But the massive growth that took place within even as i smothered it by hoarding hurt and fostering the wrong things, and appeasing the beast that created destruction- was un-rivalled. Without the dark days and the repressed emotional injury and the buried baggage within me- i would need to unearth, i never would have stepped into the light of understanding, with real wisdom to share around the art of feng shui, as a tool for healing; As related to relationships it’s a delicate circumstance but like all the other ’stuff’ it is essentially the same- it requires forgiveness and release and an ultimate understanding of why it festered and blocked up and why you buried and carried, it- and once that perspective becomes evident it becomes easy to leave behind.
For me- those days are gone and though the work never ends, i have fought long and hard for the wisdom i have earned as related to relationship release and detox.

Sometimes i face this shit head on by straight-up telling peeps they are getting the boot, sometimes in certain situations it is more important to simply allow the gentle release of people who no longer fit into the larger picture wellbeing of your world- than to strive to repair any damage or disorder.  Over the last 6 months or so, i have released more people than ever in a shorter time-span, many of them former clients, whom were no longer mirroring integrity that i demand in my relationships, or whom were moving away from a system of values that complemented my own. This portion of my feng shui system is never easy as it involves the emotions of others coupled with much courage to admit to yourself the failure that comes with accepting the truth. If the circumstance is toxic it can shapeshift and hide and appear incognito under the guise of goodwill.

We are taught that relationships are a lot of work and that notion is true- however we are not taught, through societal representation and historical documentation-  the right time to give up and say goodbye. Assessing this is something so deeply personal, dependant on a plethora of perceptions working to achieve the same goal. The ultimate health and value of a relationship can mean the difference between a thriving life, and a life repressed and drowning in excess.
There is no solid system for determining how and when is the right time to release, however when you endeavour to do so, i would offer the same advice as i adhere to in my own journey- and that is to make both objective and subjective determinations based on whether this relationship, at its core and essence- inspires you to be a better person.
Do your core values align?
Do you share the same ideals, ethics, philosophies, beliefs and both adhere to them, Does your connection kindle the fire of self mastery- to ascend?
Does it provide good energy ‘behind your back’ – ( good ‘backing’ – in traditional fen shui  is defined by strong, supportive, protective energy )
or is the backing bad, blocked with sha chi and riddled with negative chatter, false loyalty and ‘poison arrows’ or sharp right-angled corners that deceive, deflect your good intentions and deplete your vital forces?
Do you offer the same level of love and selfless giving that is required of any truly healthy connection?
Do you spend more time arguing or ‘working on the relationship’ than you do enjoying one another’s presence? Does that presence fill you with light or with darkness?
Are you truly in one another’s corner? and your ‘relationship corner’ brightly lit with unconditional support, or is it riddled with mirrors reflecting negative aspects of self?
Does this relationship leave you feeling as if you are truly kindred and not only understood but honoured for your unique and wonderful ways?
What is the single most important reason to foster that connection? Is it Selfish? Selfless? Suffersome?
These are some of the things i would advise to consider when tackling the task of ’people’ on your detox plan.

The main reason peeps do end up carrying alot of physical baggage is inextricably linked with emotional suffering. Incidents of pain and heartbreak can create a space within us that we then will seek to fill with much useless shit.
( indeed there are many people in this world who have fundamental emptiness, and not emptiness as related to enlightenment but emptiness as related to ‘lack’..however that is a personal challenge and not always one that is triggered by relationships, the emptiness of lack is one born of confusion and an error in understanding of what the meaning of true wealth is, and it’s more one of a sad state of self-deprecation, ignorance or pride ) Me, i value emptiness- raw space to simply be. It’s point zero for all things and wherein all things align.

Banishing Baggage:

Turning emotional baggage into literal baggage is an easy feat for those who are unsure how to heal, consumer-driven culture sponsors retail therapy, and we donate to its cause, marketing pits us against ourselves in the battle to align, to become conscious and develop the conscience that will drive us to a minimal life- where simplicity is the only ethos and breathing is wisest guide. All of this is the very reason you see television programs such as ‘hoarders’, endless solutions for storage space and a host of programming that celebrates getting more of it- to stockpile shit and clog your chi and develop advanced compulsions around the concept of ‘more’, a sickness that sees peeps making millions in the business of ‘organization’ – and props to them for taking on the challenge to guide others in the difficult task of freeing themselves; while not all peeps are so extreme obviously, we are all colourfully unique in our shades of self and suffering and each individual requires special consideration and a carefully laid plan to tackle their own cleansing and offered here are some tips to launch your detox:

here is a simple 7 step plan to inspire your progress:

( consequently and serendipitously post writing this, i discovered the number 7 in fen shui is related to represents solitude, inner wisdom, contemplation, sanctuary, dreams, visions; universally of course we associate it with luck) 

step one: defining the sacred to weed out the toxic. in a world of excess: take stock of what is important to your wellness by process of elimination
– make a gratitude journal, there is so much to be appreciated in life that i could fill a thousand pages a day with the wonders of the world; however, important is deliberate detailing of your own unique appreciation, learning to harness and wield gratitude in your life is an irreplaceable, powerful weapon to add to your Nourished Warrior arsenal.
This elemental step in the many-part plot to feng shui your universe, is crucial to the overall journey, so consider everything in your journaling, that adds value and thanks to your life.

engaging your proverbial lo-pan ( lo-pan = a feng shui compass that is used to define the bagua or energy map of a home )
In this case we are pointing this proverbial compass at the relationship corner of our ‘houses’, in feng shui terms this is the furthest right room, consequently engaging our right-brain to craft this list engages right brain energies- intuition and ‘ the (w)holistic view of things.

-Start by meditating on your life at an overall, consider all the things that create the mosaic of your world and make determined and specific notations of each and every thing you are grateful for, a deeply reflective process that carries so much underrated reward.

-Strive for 40 items per day- If you are struggling through the process, worry not – the list will create itself once you ignite the power of intention.

-Do this every day for 40 days, 40 is the magic number, while you are engaging in your feng shui cleanse.

( although in feng shui 4 can represent stability and groundedness, death or transformation, 40 of course is significant in a host of spiritual tradition, 0=first cause; manifesting into existence from the unmanifest void, 4-cycles of the natural world; 4 elements; body-mind-spirit-soul, 40 days-time to bring a vision into existence, 40 represents order, harmony and systems, 40 days = symbolic, a benchmark for transformation- the death of oneself and the rebirth alike. According to a french astrologer, “it is the achievement of a cycle in the world, the rhythm of the cyclic repetitions in the Universe”. )

Deliberate determination of all of the things for which you are grateful will allow prioritization of what is truly important. It’s a multi-tasking method for taking stock of the stuff in your life, that will bring clarity to the shit that deserves to stay and the ‘stuff’ that needs to be banished.

step two: make a shit list

anything conspicuously missing several days in a row from your gratitude glossary, needs to be identified and put into a pile.

tip: when you think you are done doing cleaning duty, cross reference to ensure there are not lagging ‘items’ that need to be flushed.

step three: those items ( relations/associations/connections/people) that make it into the baggage pile, make sure you have clearly identified them, and why it is they belong in the proverbial shitter.

Be honest with yourself; otherwise- this whole exercise is useless. But also be gentle with yourself as you may be particularly vulnerable right about now and it’s important to nurture yourself through this process, be a fierce warrior- yes, but don’t forget about pausing to reflect as you write your intentions to release.

It may require some clarity around what belongs here in the shit pile. More than a simple process of elimination of what you are not consistently grateful for- but indeed a full-scale inventory of the mind, heart and soul. Inclusive of your relationships to self, to suffering, to each aspect of living that connects us in the world.

In addition to toxic people, we very often support toxic relationships to self and to aspects of our life. For example, one of the associations i chose for my shit list, was my relationship to money. Specifically as it relates to my own value. By cleansing my relationship to money- i in turn allow for easeful abundance in my life. Other peeps may require cleansing of their relationship to responsibility, to failure, to success, to food or to source itself.

Connections very often have deeper rooted issues behind them, and thus sometimes what seems as if it is our relationship to success for example, that is toxic. It actually is a fear of failure- and thus our relationship to fear of failure. The same applies across the board in the interconnected quilt of our lives – my relationship to money may be toxic, but perhaps underneath that, is my relationship to self worth- and thus it is that association that needs cleansing.

Coming at this from another perspective – there is a lot to be considered in the arena of partnerships. Those people who have had serial relationship issues, may very well need to cleanse many aspects of their approach and their stance on love. For example, a woman creating her relationship shit list has included her penchant for ‘bad boys’ for cheaters or comittment-phobes. It’s great to burn up this blockage, but at the same time mindful consideration of what is behind these patterns is essential. As related to specific ‘types’ of romantic relationships my advice is: Seek the root of what attracts you to those types of men- ( hint: it’s often your own counterpoint in some measure ) and include that on your shit-list. ie: comittment-phobes= insecurity/relationship to self image / cheaters = relationship to trust / self worth issues / Bad boys = relationship to your own sense of rebellion and security.

The second part of the third step requires some introspection. Meditate on the shit list you’ve compiled and determine if you have accurately identified each core issue /relationship. Please remember very often fundamental emotional issues or habits and addictions are personified when you are in an unhealthy love relationship- and therefore carefully consider you aren’t presuming too much toxicity when in fact – once you leave that toxic or abusive relationship much of your relationship to self and to life will begin to heal on its own.

If any of the connections are especially harmful they may require additional detox in order for you to fully be liberated from them, however the third step is simply identifying the shit pile and preparing to flush it.
tip: it may seem harsh to consider ‘people’, connections and relationships ‘shit that needs flushing’ but if you have been taking stock of your ‘whys’ and the reality of these relationships as related to your overall wellness, this feeling should disappear quite quickly.
If you need an affirmation in order to make it through making this list- try this:

“I only have space in my life for healthy, positive, mutually supportive connections that inspire me to thrive.”

step four: Take that shit list and burn it.

You can make this either ritualistic, ceremonial or you can simply read your list and release it.

To add a bit of auspiciousness and symbolic empowerment to this action, you can stand facing south, tie a red thread ’round your list before you quite literally, light it up. ( red thread is an auspicious and sacred symbol, used as a tool of protection for centuries; thought to have supernatural powers, which protect, bring blessings, good fortune, love and abundance and aid in manifesting destiny. )

The thing about fire, is that it cannot be stored. It must be created in order to destroy and thus is its primordial power to achieve the release.
In feng shui fire represents regret from loss of love, and disappointment in relationships.

Take that shit list and burn it.

Yep. watch it smoke and flame and feel the release from all of the suffering that you have been carrying… the weight that is lifted.
Once you have burned this, you can scatter the ashes somewhere beautiful or simply add the fact that you have been liberated from your baggage to your daily gratitude journal.
Keeping this perpetually in mind, and expressing continual gratitude for your ability to release that which no longer serves you will protect and empower your capacities for carrying no further baggage on your journey.

step five (bonus option) a prayer to release baggage.

If there were particularly stubborn items/connections/circumstances and relations on that shit list, that require a more potent prescription for relief,
What you may wish to do is say the ‘ Ho’oponopono’ mantra on them. I first learned this from a Mayan Shaman my first time in Tulum.  ( of course i realize that many modern spiritual ‘teachers’ have incorporated this concept into their teachings as well. ) Maria the Shaman prescribed this ancient hawaiian mantra as a daily meditation,  used to cut old ties, patterns of behaviour, residual energy from past relationships, as a way to move forward and manifest new love.
My interpretation: it is a prayer to release baggage.

visualize: what it is, who it is, where it is that needs cleansing, renewal, release.
a pair of scissors in your left hand and a torch in the other…
…see yourself cutting the ties with the left, applying fire with the right.

Hold your visualization in your awareness while you speak the Ho’oponopono mantra
“I am sorry
forgive me
I love you
and I thank you”
im sorry. forgive me. i love you. thank you. im sorry forgive me. i love you. thank you.
say this, once a day, for 40 days. @ the end of your 40 days, the energetic residue ought to be entirely cleansed. Leaving only new space for positive growth.

zenwarrior affirmations

You may wish to also add affirmations ( which is a volume of this feng shui series, unto itself ) to empower each step of your process- there are so many powerful ones out there- and you can of course create your own.

But if you are seeking something simple, straightforward and superpowerful, supercharged with goodness and light : I offer as a gift to you, the Zen Warrior Affirmations app,
an alchemy of energetic alignment, and warrior-wisdom developed to deliver you the right words – at the right time.

a tool of empowerment conspired to fuel your thriving.


step six: find a replacement connection – with yourself.

They say it takes 40 days to break a habit, detox from an addiction, or change a pattern of behaviour  and while this is no 12 step program, the sixth step is just as important as the first through fifth, In order to heal from unhealthy patterns of behaviour or rid yourself of a habit or relationship you no longer wish to engage with- it often helps to replace that ‘thing’ with another ( more healthy ) ‘thing’ unfortunately in love and relationships, many times this results in ‘rebound relationships’ and that is most certainly not what i am suggesting, however the concept is empowering- so i suggest finding a replacement connection. With yourself. Whatever it was that was keeping you tied to that previous toxic circumstance was rooted in a need deep inside you, getting in touch with that need and actualizing its presence by recognizing how it has shaped the path you may have taken is key to keeping the toxic pattern broken and collecting no further baggage by burying it within.

My hope is that you identify this ‘thing’ within, that has driven you to collect shit for your shit list and set your intentions on healing it.


Seal your liberation by setting new intentions for yourself. Replacing old, worn out shit, with shiny, healthy inspirational new shit-is the key to maintaining the healthy balance that is brought back into your life by the act of feng shui. Intention based healing is something I have been working with for several years and each time i am striving to manifest something, each time i wish to make a promise to myself or set a goal or even remind myself of important values i wish to harness or harvest- i tie on an intention bracelet. This is something that is part of my ritual, doesn’t have to be a part of yours, however should you choose to realize or symbolize your intention setting in a physical way- with something that will remind you of your promise to yourself, or your shiny new way of being, or to celebrate your ability to fengshui out your relationship baggage. click here.

step 7: Compiling a book of ‘lessons learned’  

Realistically, relationship detox isn’t  always as simple as a six step process that includes burning a piece of paper, saying a few prayers and tying on some string. There are real emotional issues that often come alongside the cessation of any connection. It is incredibly important to honor the process of this, and like any passing- allow yourself to grieve… nourish yourself as you Warrior through that process and feel no shame about mourning the connections that you are severing for greater good. As important as freeing yourself from the baggage of an unhealthy relationship, is taking time to reflect on what the relationship taught you. What lessons it brought with it to enrich your life by the light of, and what was it that was mirrored in that ( or those ) connections, as every relationship acts mirror to something. Compiling a ‘lessons learned’ book of sorts by which you can document the outcome of each growth experience- can be an incredibly rewarding and empowering experience in addition to the wisdom it imparts to our hearts. Just a simple experience bible by which to document each important relationship in your life, and what lessons have been harvested or what truths have been reflected by the reality of that connection in your life. Once you have identified what it was that you were meant to learn from something you are freed from the often torturous sense of wondering what went wrong, why it failed, or wtf you were thinking- because that shit no longer matters. The wisdom has been taught to your heart regardless of whether the conscious mind has caught up, and crafting your list of lessons is not only deeply honouring to each relationship, but it honors your own heart and grants it liberation from the feelings of failure or guilt, transforming each and every relationship experience into something to add to your gratitude glossary.

Because in the end, what we take with us is not always baggage.

-muchos bendiciones,


end vol l. to be continued with volume ll of ‘feng shui your universe ‘  an 8 part series 

anyone with feedback on this series or requiring intuitive guidance around the art of feng shui in relationships can connect with me, i am happy to help guide you in any way you need.

CLEANSE, EMPOWER, FUEL, holistic healing, LOHAS market, Nourished Warrior Wellness

Nourished Warrior Wellness: FUEL | clean eating

: manifesting a meal plan that empowers : vol. 1 |  SHOPPING part 1

In our previous articles we discussed the dangers of dealing with GMO’s, Any product produced by Monsanto- and the health-washing that is so widespread that is is keeping consumers confused about what the fuck they can actually EAT in this day and age. We feel you, dude. We have been struggling through the same suffersome bullshit near each and every time we enter a grocery store, and it never gets any easier- especially with the new and improved ways in which marketers and manufacturers have sneakily continued to produce chemical-ridden food- touted as ‘natural’. ‘eco’ or even ‘organic’- they continue to produce food that is totally toxic, and think they are pulling one over on you when you cleverly pull out your app- that tells you what the un-pronouncable ingredients on that label mean- and they have found a new way to rename the synthetic evils and get em into the products without you being any the wiser. The reality is that there are some great APPS out there to help you on your journey through the grocery store aisles::

we recco: What’s in my food?

Lapka which calls itself a ‘personal environment monitor’

ISCANMYFOOD- which lets you scan the labels for chemicals as you shop

Chemical Maze -” The ultimate shopping guide to decode the Food Additives and Cosmetic Ingredients Maze”

and CPSI chemical cuisine

– those are just a few of the many many apps that are becoming more available every day, for the smartphone user to wisen herself up to what’s potentially harmful, especially when shopping for nourishment.

Companies are evolving along with the technology and still stealthy getting the shit into our foods but we can arm ourselves with wise-shopper weaponry, to out-wit the wankers who want to sicken us.

Now that we have provided a few tools for empowerment, to wield on your grocery store journey, let’s have a look at what is actually safe to buy from the grocery store shelves.

Pretty much goes without saying to NEVER BUY- any produce that is not organic, there are levels of toxicity- sure, but regardless your optimal wellness requires NO chemicals whatsoever, not even in small amounts and nearly every piece of produce available in grocery store departments, is coated with herbicides, pesticides of what measure- you might never know. Having said that- there is a rule of thumb in this particular area- its called the ‘dirty dozen & the clean 15’ which will illustrate to you, the top 12 filthiest fruits and veggies, along with the cleanest 15 you can buy non-organic. Here is a handy healthy-chart with which to wield on your grocery store journey.

eatcleanchartComing up next where we will examine specific grocery stores, specific food items to purchase, and manifesting a meal plan that empowers.


-the nourished warriors ♥

EMPOWER, FUEL, Nourished Warrior Wellness: INDULGE, PURIFY

Nourished Warrior Wellness: clean eating

As part of our longer term plans to create a network of clean-living resources and high-quality products, plans, services and opportunities for you to engage with on your journey to arming yourself with the nourishment you need as you strive to thrive, we are developing several aspects of the business including ” Nourished Warrior Wellness” which will initially be a 6 part program based upon the notion of helping you build a well rounded arsenal of wisdom and non-violent, wellnessweaponry, with which to empower your highest level health, happiness and holistic lifestyle hopes.

warriorwellnessFUELThe first of this plan is Nourished Warrior wellness: INDULGE, FUEL, PURIFY, EMPOWER, RESOLVE and RESTORE Each of these categories will be an ARMORY, that will address important aspects of your overall wellness needs, and strive to educate, enlighten and empower you as to the remarkable avenues accessible to get you to your ultimate end-point. Optimal wellness, a thriving life. Becoming The Nourished Warrior.

In this first installment we will be sharing insight from the FUEL armory: FUEL itself can be many things, primarily it is what we feed our bodies, during the daily strive to thrive.

Unfortunately in the last century the degradation of our food system has reached a breaking point, a fever-pitch quite literally, and has become something that instead of fueling wellness-  fuels illness. Diet is the single most important factor in maintaining and achieving optimal health and it is not only an under-valued aspect but it is an under-understood topic altogether. In the US Alone – 68% of all disease and 40% of all cancers are diet-related. It is through the perversion and industrialization of our food system, via corruption of the FDA, the horrors of Monsanto, and the never-ceasing decline in food quality fueling the incline in toxicity – that so many in our population continue to suffer from (food-borne) illness and disease. Also skyrocketing across the Western world are allergies and food intolerances which many ( Western Medicine ) Physicians ( through their own ignorance or compliance with this conspiracy) fail to properly diagnose; and when they do- the only solutions offered tend to be enlisting big-pharma by prescribing anti-inflammatory medications etc. ) Allergies and intolerances,  in themselves – are serious medical conditions resulting in the death and hospitalization of thousands- annually. Most of these are a by-product of defects in our industrialized food system. A perversion of agriculture, through the effects of  GMO‘s, hormones and terrifying herbicides, pesticides and petroleum based poisons that are regularly injected, infused and otherwise packed into our produce and packaged-good foods. The fact that in one way or another near every illness or complaint could likely be tracked back to what we put into our bodies- the truth that something so sinister has happened to food that it continues to cultivate profound disturbances in our physiology,  leads one to wonder- why is it that we do not strive to thrive? What sad state of complacency have we fallen into, that we no longer have the will to work for wellness? Why do we support a failing and flailing food/pharma/healthcare system ( that is so interconnected- the truth would blow your ever-loving minds ) ?

This knowledge vaccuum creates space for the conscious, the awake and the aware to rise up and take action, accountability and inspired action into our own hands. Through self-empowerment, education and understanding of the dynamics of how we as humans, relate to food- and the reality of what’s available to us in any old supermarket= we can revolutionize the ways in which we fuel ourselves. Ruling out the potential for disease and illness, and empowering those currently suffering from many of the ill-effects of a broken system of sustenance. All that it takes in actuality- is the desire to do better. To live better. To want to be the change that you wish to see in the world. That change starts from within, inside your temple – where the true healing and the true journey to thriving begins.

WE believe in you. We believe that you are worthy of better, brighter, healthier, cleaner and more sustainable sources of fuel, and it is our mission to bring that to you- in as tasty a package as possible. Healing is wonderful, tasty healing- that shit is divine.

Where to start?

First let’s have a look at the truths about our failing food system; for more information on all things FDA, Big-pharma, Industrialized Food etc. please visit any of the following links to educate yourself further:

Secondly: please, please protest GMO’s. WATCH:for anyone who is not educated as to what precisely GMO’s are, and why they are a horrific invention by a desperate society seeking to perpetuate disease: Jeffrey Smith’s mesmerizing film shines a bright light of hope that we can reclaim our health and our food systems…
It’s a real wake up call as to just how deep the corruption of our food chain truly is.. unveiling a world most of us have never seen: exposing the bullying & deceit of the biotech industry, Monsanto’s strong arm tactics, the FDA’s fraudulent policies, & how the USDA adamantly ignores a growing health emergency-

top 3 tips for avoiding GMO foods:

1- buy certified organic. By law organics cannot contain GMO’s ( though questionable in the US- ecocert and Canadian Organic certifications are a safe bet.

2. Look for non-GMO labels, while the petition to have GMO’s labelled has been ongoing for years now, many brands have adopted their own practice of choosing to label their foods non-GMO for the safety and concern of the consumer. ( note: currently there are NO laws in place stating that companies that produce products made with GMO’s must label their products accordingly- a rather terrifying proposition but a seriously fucked up reality. Please do your research. Buy wise.

3- avoid any at-risk ingredients, the top culprits being: corn, soy, canola, cottonseed and sugar ( which in itself is a sick plague on humanity with its own laundry list of offenses )

Thirdly, for those of you who need some additional assistance in understanding how to read labels, what to look for, what to avoid and what to weed out of your current kitchen: we will be addressing chemicals, toxins and additives in another article series under ” Nourished Warrior Wellness: PURIFY – meantime, here’s a handy go-to-GMO-guide for your arsenal- : print it off ( it’s size 4×6 ) &  keep in your wallet when you’re grocery shopping.


Lastly, as related to creating healthy and clean meal plans we will be publishing our next piece on shopping for clean-cuisine and how to prepare naturally powerful foods that will sustain,nourish and fuel your overall wellness, watch out for that – servin up soon from the Nourished Warrior HQ



Nourish Your Nature.

– The Nourished Warrior