EMPOWER, empowerment, Nourished Warrior Wellness, revolution, the shift, wellness warriors

Nourished Warrior Wellness: EMPOWER: 10 truths that you need to know – WTFU vol. 2~ TETHERtruth

warriorwelnneswtfuWTFU aint what the fuck, but wake the fuck – up. it’s a harsh acronym perhaps, but the intention behind it is relative to the importance of the call to action.

…in case you missed my intro, here’s a precised recap:

there’s alot of misinformation, disinformation and saturation of useless information in the world we live in. My purpose with the #WTFU series is to unveil that which is unseen, hidden, spoken only under the breath, ignored or straight up accepted – from toxins to control- pulling back the proverbial curtain that keeps the masses asleep.

2012 and the massive energy shift therein saw a quickening that empowered so many more people to begin the awakening process, so much truth unveiled ( and often times quickly veiled over again by mainstream media or discredited by those whom want to keep the masses under their programmed spell. The reality however is that humans, blessed, wonderful, amazing creatures that we are- are meant to evolve. Our destiny is mapped out in the cosmos before we are born and henceforth long after we leave this earthly incarnation ) We certainly aren’t meant to live superficial lives in fearsome apprehension to dive into the deep end of our consciousness… resting in oblivion on material gains, striving for empty existence shrouded by shit that makes no difference.
You can strive for money and you can buy yourself a temporary belief that standing on your stacks will get you higher up any ladder to the top, but those who follow a conscious path of course know that ascension can’t be charged on no platinum visa.

in reality there are thousands of tiny truths that bring happy daily a-ha moments, and there are massive truths that are often indigestible given what we are, in essence, ‘programmed’ to believe. The point in short is, that this life in this time, is a miraculous, exciting and powerful opportunity… There are more of us than ever before- answering the call to WTFU and making it their dharma to assist others in the journey to awaken.

And to all of you, you know who you are- bless your journey. Please continue. To new discoverers on the path to understanding, Please remember the importance of balance in the quest to consciousness- its power is invaluable to you as you wake up out of complacency for opening the eyes for the first time can be blinding without the shade of balance. Balance is the secret of universal harmony. balance is key. This may be an obvious statement- especially relevant in modern life where its a struggle to survive and pull in the revenue you need to cover your nut- no matter how big or small your nuts are, balance is the only thing that will provide depth and meaning, enrich a life spent working.
At the centre of every system of order, every measure of success in relationships, everything in the natural world requires a centrepoint built on fortitude and wise and economical distribution. Ying, Yang, Creation, Destruction, Light, Dark, Hot + Cold = warm… and all life thrives in warmth- from bacteria to humanity- humans thrive when they meet warmth… allow it to flourish in their lives. The concept of balance can apply to personal life vs. work in the world, to finding your core on the yoga mat and mastering that arm balance, to learning the lesson of moderation when indulging in the deliciousness of life. Food, Substances, Technology, Sex…Too much makes you sick, too little and you starve. It’s that point where you meet a sense of satisfaction where your awareness ought spark pause on consumption. this particular lesson of balance applies to those on the conscious path …for in knowing how much truth you can handle, when seeking out what’s behind and underneath the surface-finding balance is vital.

And all said thus far- your best bet is to get educated in the art of avoidance. And further to that- grant yourself the gift of keen sight as not to miss the opportunities appearing every day…

” The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself. “
Sun Tzu- The Art of War

‘Enemy’- i choose that word carefully and for emphasis – knowing that the truth is – often our only real enemies are ourselves as we are by nature, equipped with the capacity to be unconditionally victorious against any enemy… ) Every day the ‘enemy’ reveals itself to those who open their eyes to see the revealing. Those who are at a certain point in their awakening will realize that once you’ve cracked open the box to allow the light to flood in- the dark is illuminated, thus the enemy – has no place to hide.

Part two in our ten truths series starts here:

#2 tetherTRUTH:

teth•er ~ the utmost length to which one can go in action; the utmost extent or limit of ability or resources.


#2- #TETHERtruth: we are willingly yet unwittingly, being controlled.

The distorted version of reality that we are living in is a programmed falsity that is oppressing us often without our direct knowledge.


This truth is one that is a bit slippery- i have never been the kind of writer who edits themselves or whom even thinks of what to say before the words come out- every thing i write is almost always a stream of consciousness seeming channeled from elsewhere- this however will need to be the exception. I will be avoiding use of particular words, names and terms particularly throughout the paragraphs on media and mind control for protection of what it is i am seeking to do with this blog at an overall.

Having said that- i will offer the basis for this tethering truth- i make no proclamations one way or another, no devotion to any particular path and certainly no advocacy for any anti- anything.. I am a believer in truth art and love as a means to my own end, that end- is always peace… so i put it to you as a human of this earth to dig and to seek to find your own path to this truth.

I will not speak directly, nor will i divulge any name, label or entity responsible for this mass vy for control- but off the top- just know, it is a deeply intricate matrix of interconnected efforts to repress what you, me, we… already know; to confuse and divert you from what is encoded in your DNA as a human. What we have been put on this earth to do, is in part – to reignite the wisdom within, to power forth through endless obstacles, and in this battle for our lives we need armor, we need an arsenal, the greatest weapon that an individual can have- is a conscious understanding of its opponent in the ever-changing war for one’s freedom.
I bow – in lakesh to the others who are out there sharing this wisdom and empowerment, striving to unleash humanity from the grips of toxic truths and repressive wills of ‘others’ whom come not from a place of light and love but from a darkness with calculated aim.

Prior to deep diving into this particular truth it serves to be said that there are infact countless ways by which we are controlled, influenced and dominated and tethered on a daily basis, from our food to our news to our health- it’s an interconnected web of motive, a massive onion that once peeled will continue to reveal itself layer upon layer. Control is such a widespread phenomenon that it literally can be traced to nearly every aspect of human life. Of course this is nothing new, control itself is a force of power that has been sought after since the dawn of humanity and its evolution has only seen it proliferate further and further – like urban sprawl into the far reaching edges of the landscape of our lives. Safe to say that what ought be obvious in terms of control has been obviously omitted from this installment of #WTFU– those certain truths that are engrained into us; such as the reality that religion and government seek to control us through systems of belief, they do so quite effectively taxing us at almost every level of life from economic to spiritual. The culture we live in, in the western world is one cultivated upon desire and greed- power hungry, money hungry and just plain hungry hoardes make up our city-scapes, and for the most part we exist in manifested boxes with small portions of liberty over our lives. We exist in many cases primarily to fuel the agendas of the elite and those who we unwittingly give our power to regularly. We hand over freedom as simply as if it were a paid transaction – which in many ways- it is. The economy of the western world has been built around the concept of currencies-Monetary, Belief and Power currencies- and most, spend the entirety of their lives toiling just to amass a substantial amount of any of those three.

Within that never-ending toil to acquire currency you never really own nor control- that is the reality of control…My belief has always been that in this life the only things we do control are our actions and our reactions- and as such i believe that whomever is behind the neverending vy to control you is also keenly aware of this and as such, they cultivate ways in which to remotely access both action and reaction- whether it’s through manipulation of perception and cultivation of false belief… aka: the influencing one’s emotions to motivate one to a motive. The programming itself is to inspire reaction and consequent action…The only liberties you truly own. The truth is the choice is yours, to educate yourself in the art of avoidance, to open your eyes to what’s true, to act with kindness over anger, to work to manifest the qualities within that will protect you from becoming a slave to your own (re)actions.

connecting TOXINtruth with TETHERtruth:

WTFU vol.1 #toxintruth made clear the harsh reality of our systematic poisoning through air, water, food, people and pretty much everything around us- and while i offered a list of the top toxic offenders – the real truth is that list keeps growing moment to moment. While the 10 truths are stand-alone realities, they, much like all else in existence are inextricably connected… The toxins that suppress us are tools – tools to meet agendas- both economical otherwise, all nevertheless dominating… To illustrate this connection- take Fluoride. The very first mention in my array of top toxins was Fluoride, Its presence as a poison does not necessarily upstage its presence as a control mechanism. Indeed, Fluoride is a blinding control mechanism;
one of the most viable and easily executable forms of control alive today- aside from imprisonment. ( although it could be argued most definitely as a prison in its own right )
Since WW2 when the leader of the Third Reich hatched a dastardly plan to seize dominance on a massive level- Fluoride has been a key tool.

The following is an excerpt from a letter received by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research from Mr. Charles Perkins, a chemist: ( 1. )

” … In the 1930`s, Hitler and the German Nazi`s envisioned a world to be dominated and controlled by a Nazi philosophy of pan-Germanism. The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control which was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies. By this method they could control the population in whole areas, reduce population by water medication that would produce sterility in women, and so on. In this scheme of mass-control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place. …

Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual`s power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him.

The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children`s teeth. If this were the real reason there are many ways in which it could be done that are much easier, cheaper, and far more effective. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty.

I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great IG Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the Nazi movement at the time. I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years` research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine–any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person mentally or physically.”

1. Charles Perkins – excerpt from a letter received by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, ( Milwaukee Wisconsin, October 2, 1954 )

Now some may look at the above and think- that sounds like the mad ramblings of a chemist who may have ingested too many fumes from his beaker. It’s incredibly difficult to believe that in the year 2014, In the great western world whom prides itself continent-wide on liberty, justice and remaining strong and free- that we could be subject to the plots of a dictator set in motion decades ago… And indeed it is a fearsome and tough to swallow truth- But if you look at the evidence posed in toxintruth – and the horrific affects that result from fluoridization of our human bodies, this 70 year old missive- begins to have a strange resonance of accuracy.

There are other accounts of this ‘mass medication’ plan throughout history that well-prove its truth. Here is another brief excerpt from Einstein`s nephew, Dr. E.H. Bronner (a chemist who had also been a prisoner of war during WWII) ( 2. )

“There is a sinister network of subversive agents, Godless ‘intellectual’ parasites, working in our country today whose ramifications grow more extensive, more successful and more alarming each new year and whose true objective is to demoralize, paralyze and destroy our great Republic–from within if they can, according to their plan–for their own possession.

Fluoridation of our community water systems can well become their most subtle weapon for our sure physical and mental deterioration…As a research chemist of established standing, I built within the past 22 years, 3 American chemical plants and licensed 6 of my 53 patents. Based on my years of practical experience in the health-food and chemical field, let me warn: fluoridation of drinking water is criminal insanity, sure national suicide. Even in small quantities, sodium fluoride is a deadly poison to which no effective antidote has been found. Non-organic sodium fluoride used in fluoridating water is instant poison to the body and fully water soluble.The body refuses to assimilate it.”

2. Dr. E.H. Bronner – letter printed in the Catholic Mirror ( Springfield, MA January 1952 )

Is there really more to say on the subject? Do you really still believe that fluoride is ‘good for the health’ because it’s recommended by Dentists? Or for that matter, the millions who consume it in the form of ‘Prozac’ – do you truly feel that your free will is a fair exchange for a dulled and numbed state of reality – where you may or may not feel ‘less- depressed’ that before? The choice we are making really, is between liberty and oppression. It may seem a drastic statement at first glance, but realistically- given the evidence there is no grey area, it’s a black and white debate.

A chemical that quite effectively shuts of our pineal gland- our ability to awaken and clearly see the truth, that causes crippling painful death in many of its victims, leaving others docile and ready for domination is quite simply not one you want in your body. period.
please click below to watch a fellow bringer of truth speaking in detail on the pineal gland and sacred geometry among other important revelations including ‘looking glass’ symbolism, syrians and other key truths of which i will not tag herein…

. In vol#1 I offered tips for de-fluoridizing the pineal gland and removing this toxin from the body- which in the warrior’s fight to be free, is elemental. it begins of course with the cleansing yes , but moreso knowing what it is that we need to cleanse, what we seek release from, the understanding that we are even tethered in the first place must be challenged and in that challenge- we reveal the endless ways by which this concept expresses itself…reclaiming control begins with the understanding of that which binds and tethers us to a fast-declining state of freedom to thrive. There are a vast array of tools by which we are tethered- from big ideas to seeming small beliefs, from drugs to music to the morning news, it’s the ultimate understanding of perceptions and triggers that will unleash us from the grasp.

#mechanics of mindcontrol: media parasites, MAOI, SSRI, and the robbery of liberty

via Wikipedia: Mind control (also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion, thought control, or thought reform) is an indoctrination process which results in “an impairment of autonomy, an inability to think independently, and a disruption of beliefs and affiliations. In this context, brainwashing refers to the involuntary reeducation of basic beliefs and values” The term has been applied to any tactic, psychological or otherwise, which can be seen as subverting an individual’s sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making.

The mechanics of mind control are so precise, so stealth, so smartly-engineered it’s barely possible to notice unless your eyes are open…The orchestrated strategic systems of control are run so deep and so wide there have been novels written on the topic ( read the rise of the fourth reich by Jim Marrs —>

– the orchestration of subliminal domination is happening everywhere you look, in every song you dance to, in every ‘Idol’ episode you watch, in every hour you spend fucking around on your smartphone, in every app you purchase in every page of every glossy-marketing-driven magazine lining the checkouts of every shopper marketing strategy implemented in every grocery store continent wide. To most the list i just wrote ( apps, idol, smartphones, pop music, consumerism… ) represents important elements of a culture that defines their lives… but that culture is cultivated to control…

Imagine if you will you are laying in a field on a summer’s day… looking down you notice an ant climbing a blade of grass and falling down over and over, only to climb back up again… Is there a purpose to this act? you wonder, is there rhyme or reason to this repetitive action?… is there meaningful explanation to why the ant is doing this- or is the action a fluke?… indeed it is a fluke- a lancet fluke. A lancet fluke is a parasite that resides in the stomachs of cows and sheep and in the brains of ants.

The belief that parasites rule the world has long been a notion held in veracity – and as such i use this notion to begin to draw a metaphor- the lancet fluke is a microscopic parasite that throughout its lifecycle requires different hosts in order to fulfill its destiny- it passes from snail to ant to cow rather effortlessly by invading the body of its host, and ultimately commandeering its mind in order to fulfill its ultimate dharma. Once the lancet fluke has infiltrated the ant, it infects the brain of the ant- and morphs its regular patterns of behaviour in such a way that it literally begins to control its mind. Instead of seeking comfort in the ant hole with the other ants, the lancet-inflected ant goes rogue and traverses its way up a tall blade of grass and therein waits patiently to be eaten by a cow. It climbs the blade of grass over and over and over until it succeeds in staying on top- where it is successfully able to kamakazee itself into the ultimate destination- the belly of a cow or sheep. The lancet fluke isn’t the topic of interest here but what the lancet represents is the seeming meaningless, mindless repetitive action of a living thing; once that organism has been ‘infected’ by something else.

This infection applies to ‘tether-truth’ – as it is a perfect representation of what happens to people once they have been infected or infiltrated or compelled by an idea. The idea itself thus becomes similar to a parasite. This concept itself however being expressed as microscopic + parasite sized- is in reality, quite vast. From the seed of an idea fluorishes transformation. It ought to be noted though- that this concept of ‘infection’ is not something that i mean to articulate as solely negative. We have all experienced at one time or another the capacity a seeming foreign entity or idea has to transform, whether it’s the big political statements such as that of Malcom X or the dogmatic expressions written in the holy bible which are followed by millions world-wide, Whether it is a simple mantra or affirmation spoken each morning in the mirror that leads to manifesting an intention, or the clean-toxin free diet that cleanses the body and thus transforms its host… Indeed the metaphor can be traced back to life itself- the notion of conception: the meeting of a man’s sperm with that of its counterpoint egg, the infiltration of the womb by a foreign body results in a miraculous metamorphosis, giving birth to new life… Not all transformation by that of idea or belief or infectious substance leads to ultimate demise. In truth it is this very notion- that drives me to create this series, that compels my hands to type the words, that pushes me to hit publish… the notion that the seed of a truth-based perception has the capacity to infect and to grow and to flourish into something that transforms life for the better is the ultimate rationale for the existence of these words you are reading; and it is the truth behind much of what we consume, what we watch, what we read, what we buy and what soundtracks our days as we move through our lives like ants marching to ultimate fate.

The lancet fluke concept, has many expressions- as many as there are people on earth. And my goal in this volume of #WTFU is to reveal the true nature of some.

Tethering Tools and Triggers:

SSRI’s, SNRI’s. MAOI’s, TCA’s,


When i was about 15 years old, just a few years after my first awakening experience- i read a book called ‘Brave New World’ – a classic by all rights, this Aldous Huxley Dystopian Novel takes place 600 years into the future wherein all the world is unified under a ‘One World Government’ A totalitarian society that is achieved via test tube babies, hypnotism, and psychological programming… which inevitably results in a rigid, pre-ordained caste system; intelligent humans in the highest positions and slave-like beings who are genetically programmed to do menial subordinate labour; wherein everyone belongs to everyone else in a system of forced-promiscuity that is literally brainwashed into people at birth. This world divided into alphas, betas, gammas, deltas and epsilons- exists entirely in a drug-induced, brainwashed state of false-happiness- by a drug called Soma.

When i was just a teenager reading this book was a thrilling and entirely fascinating fictional experience. I borrowed the book from the public library in the small town in which i lived – and i kept it for well over its due date, for anyone that’s read this piece of literature knows it’s a terrifying world of intricacy that now as an adult- rings all too true. For the last few years as the energy of the universe has forced a quickening i began to have utterly un-instigated flashbacks of this book. The experience of reading it seemed to be something that engraved itself into my memory and even 15+ years later my recollection of this world created where all appear to be contented on the surface, every whim available to be satisfied- pleasure and excess at fingertips, is haunting. The undercurrent of course was that this so-called paradaisical stability was achieved only through the sacrifice of liberty and personal freedom. And as the proverbial onion peels further and further and the truths are ever-revealed- the similarities are all too coincidental when viewed through a conscious-lens.

Soma, In the novel “Brave New World” was a legal drug made abundantly available by the one-world government, ( ultimately to mask the fact that the ‘utopian dream’ was really a dystopian nightmare) its users encouraged to pop soma at any sign of discomfort or unhappiness ..”one cubic centimetre cures ten gloomy sentiments” ( 3. ) its beneficial side effects included those under the soma-coma being a vacant, docile, distracted, dis-engaged populus,

“half a gramme for a half-holiday, a gramme for a week-end, two grammes for a trip to the gorgeous East, three for a dark eternity on the moon…” (4. )

3. Aldous Huxley, Brave New World 1932, United Kingdom: Chatto & Windus – p.77, l.15

4. Aldous Huxley, Brave New World 1932, United Kingdom: Chatto & Windus – chapter 3. 239

In Huxley’s opus – the drug itself became a primary control mechanism as the dystopian society began to unravel and the protagonist began to see the truth, he tossed his soma from a tall window to reclaim his liberation.Drawing terrifying similarities to the modern day anti-depressants that mute the masses. The staggering statistics do not lie- in the last two decades anti-depressant use is up 400% ( 5. ) and an estimated 24 million Americans are now on some daily-form of Anti-depressant or another. Canada it seems just made a leap to the top of the list with the highest amount of users per-capita of various SSRI’s ( 42 million prescriptions were filled @ Pharmacies in 2012) ( 6. )

5. Antidepressant use up 400% in the US – psychcentral.com news, 2011.10. 25

6. Psychiatrist warns against trying to cure ordinary sadness as Canadians among top users of Antidepressants: National Post, Ottawa 01.19.2014

Having a little experience with anti-depressants and their effects myself i find these numbers terrifying… when i was in my late teens i had a case of insomnia after i moved home from my California paradise, left my family and was in an intense growth phase; instead of suggesting some yoga or talk therapy i was prescribed a series of 7 or 8 different drugs which i would have filled at the pharmacy, take for two days and discontinue for fear i was losing my mind. The longest i lasted on any of the drugs was ‘wellbutrin’ i think, which i successfully took for a period of two weeks. Last year while digging through my hope chest filled with notebooks and journals i came across some writing from that period in my life, which was riddled with darkness and a profound state of numbed out detachment from myself. Finally i put my foot down with the Dr. who was using me as her guinea pig- and after gaining around 40 pounds and losing pieces of my mind i set out to find my own therapeutic answers… Ultimately all i remember from that period of about 9 months was this wall that went up this wall between myself and the rest of the world, this wall that separated me even from my love who i slept with each night, this wall that forced me into feeling that i was an impotent, incapable being – with no connection to the universe.

“Soma had raised a quite impenetrable wall between the actual universe and their minds.” – Brave New World.

The damage done to countless people by this tethering tool is a multi-leveled masterpiece executed with ease. The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry ( 7. ) discusses Perhaps the best known psychological side effect of SSRIs is “amotivational syndrome”, (8. ) with symptoms clinically similar to those of frontal lobe brain damage, This condition is characterized by apathy, dis-inhibited behavior, de-motivation and a personality change similar to the effects of lobotomy. ( interesting that Charles Perkins letter above on fluoride said something similar ) When Yale University’s Department of Psychiatry analyzed the admissions to their hospital’s psychiatric unit, ( 9. ) they found that 8.1% of the patients were “found to have been admitted owing to antidepressant mania or psychosis” Other psychological effects include: insomnia, agitation, anxiety, nervousness, restlessness, mania, dysphoria, poor concentration, low libido and appetite, diminished impulse control among other well documented side effects. There are also several reports that associate these drugs with parkinsons disease and akathisia ( severe inner restlessness) If that’s not enough there are also reports that those who suffer from akathisia are also prone to aggression and suicide. After what could only be thousands of suicides the FDA finally let it slip that a the risk of suicide for children receiving SSRIs can be up to three times higher than placebo, in Adults that number goes up to 4. 10.

7. The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Volume 1, Robert E. Hales, Stuart C. Yudofsky, American Psychiatric Pub., 2003

8. The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry, Volume 1, Robert E. Hales, Stuart C. Yudofsky, American Psychiatric Pub., 2003

9. Antidepressant-associated mania and psychosis resulting in psychiatric admissions. Preda A1, MacLean RW, Mazure CM, Bowers MB Jr., J Clin Psychiatry. 2001 Jan;62(1):30-3.

10. Antidepressant drug use & the risk of suicide. Healy D1, Aldred G. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2005 Jun;17(3):163-72.

If you are lucky enough to be outside the ratio at risk for suicide, Antidepressants produce long-term, irreversible chemical & structural changes to your brain and body.

The administration of Prozac and Paxil raises cortisol levels ( which is the chemical responsible for stress – elevated levels can cause weight gain, immune issues, depression etc. ) In addition to this a recent study reported by Natural News, (11. ) has shown that taking anti-depressants during pregnancy doubles your chances of giving birth to an Autistic Child. A large Swedish study published in the British Medical Journal included more than 1,600 autistic children whose mothers took any kind of antidepressant during their pregnancy. The results showed an increased incidence of autism in the antidepressant group compared to a control group. A second study published in 2011 showed a 2-fold increased risk of autism if mothers took antidepressants in the year before delivery and a 3-fold increased risk with antidepressant use in the first trimester of pregnancy. These results were compared to mothers with a known history of mental illness, but without use of antidepressants and their children did not show an increased risk of autism.”

11. Do antidepressants in pregnancy cause autism? -Randall Neustaedter OMD, May.10.2013

Yet another study has suggested that exposure to SSRI’s can arrest the very development of neurons in the brain; which when given to developing brains of children, coupled with the onslought of toxins they are up against from their very conception, doesn’t give us much hope for our future as free people.

It’s not difficult to conclude why these numbers are so high, when in Canada alone the anti-depressant sales account for upwards of $1.8 billion per year. ( yes big pharma’s profit margins are the becoming the highest of any industry ) The bulk of prescriptions are written by general practitioners or ‘family doctors’ with little to no experience in diagnosing mental illness, but a great deal of license when it comes to potentially altering someone’s existence permanently. The kick-backs from big-pharma are no secret, even hollywood revealed them in a film called ‘Love and Other Drugs’ – trips to Hawaii, cash rewards, neverending incentives to continue to dole out the drugs- and its really not all their fault when it comes down to the truth, anti-depressants are celebrated, they have become it seems, just like soma, as a cure-all for nearly every ill emotion. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, psychiatry’s official guidebook of mental sickness, people can meet the criteria for major depressive disorder if they experience two weeks’ worth of a depressed mood most of the day, loss of interest, changes in appetite, reduced energy and problems sleeping ( consider the last time you went through a break-up or lost your job or simply experienced the often negative emotions that express themselves in normal-daily life, these emotions do not signify illness but moreso the spirit’s need to evolve, to transcend the manifested feelings caused by humanity’s oppressed destiny to awaken )

Instead of meeting the challenges of life, the challenges of evolution, the challenge of ‘waking-up’ with bold tenacity, we are quick to hit the help button and the result is repressing our spirits. The shocking number of children and teenagers whom are regularly put on drugs is tragic degradation to the future of humanity; when the reality is that growing up is tough, adolescence is tough, kids behaviour regularly mimics the so-called basis for diagnosis, but as easily as that behaviour could be a chemical-imbalance it could be a hormonal-imbalance ( please read the first volume of this series wherein i discuss ‘hormones gone haywire’ …hormones cause all manner of seeming mentally ill’ behaviour- if you do not believe this statement, talk to a pregnant woman. The medicating of un-happiness is a tool. It tethers us to our unhappiness, it tethers us to our negative emotions, it tethers us to the belief that there is something ‘wrong’ with feeling anxious or sad or with the expression of dis-satisfaction, when the ultimate truth that is overlooked is that happiness is our default state- and that default state is altered by an ever-evolving plethora of toxins and factors that herein i strive to reveal- happiness is an expectation that people put upon themselves because of the cultivated culture of instant gratification yields.

Over-diagnosis is an epidemic that is progressing at an alarming rate and given the ultimate outcome of these drugs- it’s society’s biggest enemy. At the same time, it is the responsibility of each and every person to question, question the veracity of the drug ads on TV, question the quick diagnosis of a Dr. getting kickbacks, question your emotions, question why they exist, what is it they are striving to teach you; as with every feeling we have that is manifested from our brains there is a lesson to be learned that we often ignore. The most beautiful sentiment i’ve heard was shared with me by a Spanish Yogi, who i fell in love with in Tulum- as i sat next to him on a bed the day before i was to leave, the tears streaming down my face, he said that sadness was so beautiful, as beautiful as being happy for in ultimate understanding they are the same. The yin side of sad and the yang side of happy create the balance that we need to sustain.



for more statistics on the effects of SSRI’s etc. read: Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex by Renowned psychiatrist Peter Breggin, Breggin documents how psychiatric drugs and electroshock (ECT) disable the brain and presents the latest scientific information on potential brain dysfunction and dangerous behavioral abnormalities produced by the most widely used drugs including Prozac, Xanax, Halcion, Ritalin, and lithium.

Alex Jones’s article ” What Are Mass Murder Pills? “

excerpt: “America’s number one cause of unnatural death now is suicide…I want to get people off pills that the insert says will make you commit suicide and kill people. I want to blame the real culprit — suicide pills! Mass murder pills!” — Alex Jones on Piers Morgan Tonight


Children Committing Murder?…. a 2011 Natural News article: ‘ Canadian judge rules SSRI antidepressants like Prozac can cause children to commit murder. ‘


excerpt: “According to the National Post, a Canadian judge recently ruled that the extreme mind-altering effects of the antidepressant drug Prozac were in large part responsible for causing a 15-year-old boy to thrust a nine-inch kitchen knife into one of his closest friends.”

They can, of course, also cause suicide: ” Experts say antidepressant drugs cause suicides instead of preventing them “
a 2006 Natural News article by: Dani Veracity


excerpt: In Portland, Ore., Jay Johnston followed his doctor’s orders and took the prescribed antidepressants Zoloft and Prozac. He then attempted suicide with a shotgun, permanently disfiguring himself. Johnston sued his doctor for not properly monitoring him. The jury found the doctor guilty of criminal negligence and awarded Johnston $5 million…. “

When using SSRI’s is NOT a choice – check your drinking water! 2013 Report:Many urban tap water systems loaded with SSRI antidepressant drugs ‘


listen and watch:

Open Your eyes to SSRI’s

Big Pharma, Chemical Lobotomy, Brain Damage : Alex Jones

What your Doctor isn’t Telling You. Psychiatry vs. Physical Medicine
Dr. Moria Dolan, Executive Director for the Medical Accountability Network discusses the link between antidepressants medications and suicide, violence and school shootings.

David Icke on the Toxic Agenda to Soft kill & murder people:


Alex Jones discussing The effects of SSRI’s and Mind Control programming:

part one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_erYrBTlcss

part two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC1hVH


” an incident involving a horrific violent attack allegedly induced by treatment with SSRI’s.”

” more than 10,000 americans in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s were involved in programs at universities in Canada that allegedly systematically drugged people as a form of long-term programming.”

Please see Alex Jones @infowars for a plethora of information on mind control, mass programming, media propoganda, politics, medical industry evils, economics, and most every other truth that mainstream media infotainment ‘neglects’…

final words:

Realistically when it comes to control and mind control- the use of pharma and other drugs extends far beyond simple SSRI’s etc. the systematic drugging of human beings as part of programming was and continues to be a reality in North America. Whether its through chemicals in your food, in your drinking water, in your ‘harmless’ Western Medicine, in your flu shots, in the vaccines your thoughtlessly and routinely administer your children- there is an all out war happening for your mind, your body and your spirit.

There are under-cover operations in use throughout the world as a means to rewire and control people for specific motives and to serve specific purposes. There are currently individuals in the media spotlight who are victims of this programming which involves acts beyond moral-minded comprehension. There are those who you watch regularly who upon cue, ( a specific hand gesture or word ) can be snapped into or out of a particular state of mind- similar to a robot or machine- thus unwittingly forced to carry out the plans of their oppressors. There is not much else i wish to communicate on this subject for the reasons stated in my disclaimer, however there is ample information out there for those who wish to take their understanding on the role of mind control programming, pharmaceuticals, drugs etc. in modern mainstream media – further, unraveling its deliberate use in tethering the masses.





theanti-anti depressant manifesto


Those on the conscious path are no doubt, to some degree, aware of the strategic, methodical orchestrated plan to dominate our free will, beliefs, and our actions- trapped in a cycle of consumerism, escapism via celebrity worship and an endless string of programming of every flavour.

Again- this particular aspect of tethering is one that is so incredibly vast, so deep and so wide that diving into it runs the risk of inadvertant drowning. The understanding that every aspect of our senses is being categorically assailed through all that we consume – is a frightening truth that can overwhelm and bombard even as it is meant to heal.

at present 5 major corporations control all media in the US- in Canada we are not much better. That 5 is ever shrinking with continuous acquisition of startups and countless other media business of every kind from tv station to apps and the continuous strive to push out the little guys and blanket the masses with strategic image, message and means to its own end.

the medium is the message: television, music, mayhem:

#Device Disconnect:

Is a term i have come to use when referring to the degradation of our social systems, communication structures and the individual ability to engage in healthy interpersonal communication, the millenials coming up just under me seem to be of an entirely different species and breed altogether as the gen X&Y that defined those like me, who came up in the age where call waiting was the newest innovation and we barely touched a computer until the age of 18 ( that’s true, my first computer was an IBM my parents bought when i was in my senior year of high school ) The new generations are raised entirely on technology, and nearly come fresh out of the womb with the ability to text. No longer is cursive handwriting or literary and grammatical standard upheld in education and prose has given way to acronyms. A generation that relies on emoticons to convey their feelings to one another. Behind a screen, whatever the size- seeking connection in so many social media outlets, defining who they are through carefully crafted profiles projecting what it is they wish to be vs. striving to be who they are. Once a friend described the rise of social media as a ” self absorbed ticker tape of egotistical delusion” i laughed as this was in the early days of facebook and twitter feeds and while both coming from a communications background we saw the rise of this movement as something groundbreaking for marketing yet devastating for authentic communication. Selfies are the new skill teenage girls and boys strive to master, neverending duck-faces with bathroom backdrops, amidst the deconstruction of any photographic standard – a generation, a world disintegrates from itself…  in a world more connected than ever before, with more ways to unite and come together…we stand divided. The communications and technology industry has shaped the evolution of youth to become more of a shrinking shadow, endless masses coming up with a gaping hole of inequity around what true, honest, real communication is. Social retardation is a disease perhaps propagated in silicon valley as more startups find more ways to disconnect people from themselves and one another, a multi-billion dollar industry profiting from impersonal, disconnection. It’s a travesty really, when considered, those of the younger generation are no longer rewarded for good grades with the promise of cars and college funds but indulged with tablets and wifi hubs that promise a potential future filled with face to face impotence.

What i am striving to say here, is not the systematic slander of technology, god knows i appreciate my Skype-ability it allows me freedom from cell phones, and i definitely wouldn’t know what to do without my iMac, but i also have the blessing of understanding that a face to face apology certainly counts for alot more than a text-breakup, and i have wisened to the ways that ‘they’ have capitalized upon this culture of device driven living. Endless apps and countless convenient ways to make ones life better, never-wavering wifi signals mean that wherever you are, you can be tracked. Like a dog with a homing device in its collar- wherever you go, with your smartphone engaged you are potentially a moving target. The NSA ‘spying’ scandal is no news nor is it a joke. It’s a reality that those who are aware and take seriously- and in our day to day communications we wisely choose to take many of our important discussions ‘offline’

In an internet age we face possibly as many obstacles as we do benefits, all things considered. The rise of the web has been an irreplaceable opportunity for connection and considering the many issues, scandals and obstacles that its safety- as a space of free expression, freedom of information and freedom to unite and to fortify- faces, let’s pray it remains that way. The reality is that there is a consistent threat to privacy, a consistent threat to anonymity that is inherently promised by the web, a consistent threat to your ability as a free person of your nation to gather and disseminate information, to assemble, to unite and to seek the truth. What was invented as an infinitely wide bridge between gaps- continues to run the risk of becoming infinitesimal in its ability to provide security to cross those bridges.

Think you aren’t affected by this? Think that you aren’t being programmed by your technology?… consider basic human interaction- have ever broken up with someone via text? basic written communication skills… do you think UR and LOL are reasonable forms of speech to use regardless of circumstance? Take an inventory of devices, how many do you own? How many hours per day do you spend staring at a screen, the size is irrelevant- for infiltration cannot be measured in pixel ratio or in widescreen – of what nature is the information that you consume on these devices? Immediately subtract the hours spent toiling for whatever your means for revenue generation is, and specifically focus on what manner of ‘entertainment’ you consume. How much television do you watch on a weekly basis? What is the nature of that programming? What is your favourite show? All of these questions, regardless of individual answer- have the same answer really- no matter what screen size you consume your data from, you’re prey to manipulation, there’s an app to tell you what to eat, track where you are at all moments, an app to remind you, an app to get you laid, an app to show you where to go, what to see what to wear, how to think, feel and breathe- a culture becoming ever more reliant on smartdevices in place of smarts. Artificial intelligence has taken on a whole new meaning in the new millenium and most would be at a complete and paralytic loss without their iPhone to help ‘program’ their life.

So whether it’s a tablet screen or a TV screen, and whether you watch CNN or MTV- you can bet what’s left of your freedom- that your reality is being strategically and fundamentally altered, engineered and encoded with subliminal messaging enough to change your mind.

…know the enemy and need not fear the results of a hundred battles.

"If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles." sun tzu- The Art of War

#a word from your sponsors …  

Consider first, the term ‘programming’- how often have you meditated on the whys and whats behind the purpose of using this term to describe what is shown to you on the screen? there is a reason it is called programming, and that is far less to do with scheduling than it is brainwashing. From ‘reality’ shows to Fox ‘news’ info-tainment, switch on the TV at any time of the day and you will witness what has become a full-scale attack on your consciousness. The foundation that allows this assault on your reality to go on, is funded largely in part by product placement and 30 second spots that subliminally and blatantly play upon your weakness, your uncertainty, your self-esteem, your emotional intelligence being consistently manipulated to serve the bottom lines of brands that have built this modern world. In essence you are being told what to do, who to love, what you are worth and consequently what you are not worth unless you buy that new cosmetic or cadillac. Indeed the very essence of your spirit is being drained from you at an energetic level, while your ego is being played upon to drive the quarterly sales figures.

Marketing itself will have a spot on this list all to itself so i wont waste too much precious time articulating its place in the formula; however elemental here is that you understand the level of control that marketing has on your life; especially when you are engaged both visually and verbally, the television commercial has its roots in control- mastered, is the art of influence, certain is the notion that you will buy.

By the age of 23, i was brought to a decision that would change my life forever. Staring at University course catalogs i had narrowed my focus down to 2 separate paths- i would either go forth with my god-given talent, follow the sound of my soul and enroll in Journalism- or i could choose Advertising, Something entirely foreign and entirely opposite to my character in so many ways. Never in my life had i any interest in marketing, advertising or any semblance of sales- in fact i felt a guttural disgust when pondering what it must be like to live life as a salesperson- pushing product and whoring useless junk that no person really needs… yet the moment of truth came- and as i weighed out my decisions i took an unexpected turn. I suffered for a while under the weight of this decision.. ( did i make it just to please my partner – did i follow the dollar instead of my heart? why did i do this?!!)
It was only a year or so after graduating and taking a gig at my first agency that it became clear to me- the choice i made to go against the perceived current of my life, diving into unknown waters and potentially committing to a life of whoring product – was in fact one of the single most brilliant decisions i have ever made. It became clear to me, as i learned the sinister, smarmy nature of the industry and became wise to the clever sociopathic strategies that compose campaigns to convert and control consumers- that by mastering this knowledge, by becoming enlightened to the manipulations of marketing i could never be controlled by it. In effect i was holding the key to freedom in a very real way. Equipped with the hard won wisdom of what is in many ways beyond deplorable, i was armed with the capacity to create change on an entirely different level.

Back to the topic at hand- much of the funding for television programming is based on advertising dollars- primetime spots during superbowl are sold for millions, american idol and other fabricated circuses of exploitation no doubt garner the same- millions of viewers each week tune in to watch mindless drivel that is doing unspoken, unrealized damage to their lives and the deep pockets behind all of this belong to the brands that invest millions in hiring agencies to hock their shit to consumer masses who will, without doubt venture off to purchase their junk if its spotted on a celebrity, or product-placed within a sitcom or sponsoring a show that they invest their lives in following… Marketing is an original mind control. Its strategies are built to play upon your needs, ignite your egos, harness your weakness, influence your actions, convince you to endlessly fall prey. billions spent each year on researching your behaviours, taking stock of every move you make, every minute you spend and how you spend it. This information is used to develop the slogans and create the images, compel the clicks- that sell you your shoes and make you hungry for poisonous food that will give you cancer. It’s psychological warfare and most are unaware they’re in a battle.

#television programming

The programs on television itself are another beast- sitcoms are scripted to engage your emotions, to showcase circumstances that resonate with your own, or to showcase worlds that humble folk only dream of. Useless digressions that are propped up by the funding of corporate criminals who are earning their filthy fortunes on the backs of your demise. Has Reality television has been crafted to hold a mirror up – to show the viewer himself? To portray ‘reality’ ?…a reality that is riddled with strategic manipulations, sociopathic experiments full of petty bickering, chaotic and useless competition hoisting up ego that all serves no constructive means but to further confuse your senses. Competitive television programs that feature ‘normal people’ who are following a dream being whisked off to hollywood to sing or to dance and be judged upon their talents or in 99% of cases their lack thereof) as they are edited from the script. Whatever fuels the ratings that commands more expensive media space is what makes its way to your home plasma and hearts; Not only that; but the content of most of what makes it to the screen is heavily laden with subliminal messaging beyond the advertising, its intentions are built upon the systematic sensationalism of destruction, desensitization, disconnection and devolution. Behind the TV set lays an intricate world of corruption and ill will, behind the glammed up red carpet events, beyond the stages of idol and away from the eyes of the millions who pay millions to play unwitting victim, there is an army of elite with an agenda that certainly does not align with the morality that the Nation is supposedly built upon. The relentless assault on your senses is a 24 hour a day affair that requires no guest list, no need to leave the comfort of your couch and no path to awakening. Simply tuning in to that channel is a frequency of discord – regardless of soundtrack. The energetic impact alone is an attack on vitality. Sapping your life force without ever touching you.

Perhaps the most devastating aspect of all of this is a semi-newly coined term- ‘ TV Kids’ tv-kids are described as children who are regularly cared for, distracted, and raised up from infancy by television sets. Plopped in front of them – sit the future of humanity, being raised by commercials and animated manipulation. This is the equivalent of feeding your children nothing but cheetos and chocolate bars every meal for a month- make no mistake, It’s both junk food for the mind and programming for the behaviour- Dangerous and stealth like an asymptomatic disease that creeps up slowly and destroys your insides, turning generations into disconnected, apathetic, angry, aggressive, desensitized and entirely programmed versions of themselves.

Here are some statistics to bring some clarity to this disease.

According to the A.C. Nielsen Co., the average American watches more than 4 hours of TV each day (or 28 hours/week, or 2 months of nonstop TV-watching per year). In a 65-year life, a person will have spent 9 years glued to the tube.

• Number of minutes per week that parents spend in meaningful conversation with their children: 3.5
• Number of minutes per week that the average child watches television: 1,680
• The average child will watch 8,000 murders on TV before finishing elementary school.
• An average American child will see 200,000 violent acts and 16,000 murders on TV by age 18
• Media technology now offers more ways to access TV content, such as on the Internet, cell phones and iPods. This has led to an increase in time spent viewing TV, even as TV-set viewing has declined. 41% of TV-viewing is now online, time-shifted, DVD or mobile
• A University of Michigan researcher demonstrated that watching violent media can affect willingness to help others in need : Read about the study here: Comfortably Numb: Desensitizing Effects of Violent Media on Helping Others.
• According to the AAP, “Extensive research evidence indicates that media violence can contribute to aggressive behavior, desensitization to violence, nightmares, and fear of being harmed.” Watching violent shows is also linked with having less empathy toward others.
• Even having the TV on in the home is linked to more aggressive behavior in 3-year-olds. This was regardless of the type of programming and regardless of whether the child was actually watching the TV
• Advertisers target kids, and on average, children see tens of thousands of TV commercials each year This includes many ads for unhealthy snack foods and drinks. Children and youth see, on average, about 2,000 beer and wine ads on TV each year . ( see resources @ the end )

Don’t be fooled. Beyond these statistics are agendas.

So. Why cultivate nations of disconnected, apathetic, angry, aggressive, de-sensitized and morally questionable people? I ask you to meditate upon that as you continue to read…

When it comes to media it goes so far beyond simply the television programming, it’s a multi-trillion dollar, multi-dimensional, multi-media campaign to mold you.

Beyond television alone, there are of course the hollywood big budget manipulations rife with symbolism and blatant tactic- effectively reaching billions via the box office. There are apps, ads, sites, shops, sites all carefully crafted by a shadow elite, there have always been billboard top 40 soundtracks that fuel the agenda- puppeteered pop stars programmed with their messages, music videos hiding imagery in plain sight revealing point blank who it is that programs your entertainment, and your entrainment.

Media is a trillion dollar feast for all, greedy corporations gag you with their filthy cocks and with eyes wide shut – it’s welcomed with open-mouths.

Multi-trillion dollar mega-empires continue to be built up and torn down by ‘they’ whom strive for your ultimate destruction. Just watch the tabloids and the entertainment news shows- watchdogs for whichever celebrities happen to be executing their programming flawlessly, and for those who aren’t well there is always rehab…

As far as we could go with media, we’ve made the choice not to delve into the music industry to exemplify its power. prowess and persuasion over the populus, trust us when we say soundtracking your life has a much different meaning when looked at through the lens of truth.

The medium is the message and the message needs to come through without distortion. There are thousands of peeps who have dedicated thousands of hours to out-ing the hidden messages and exposing the true nature of major mainstream media – and while its true- up against mainstream programming and without billions of advertising dollars behind them they become not much more than wielders of nonsense and conspiracy. However there are more and more and more every day who are #WakingTFU and wherever you look, if you can cut through egoic overtones and personal agenda pushers, there is always truth to be found and there will always be propoganda, projection, psychological warfare and political agendas in the strive to lead you astray… We leave it with you to distill your own understanding…it’s yours for the taking.


dig into the following:


read and listen:

TV: Your Mind. Controlled: By Melissa Melton


excerpt: ” Type ‘television’ and ‘low vibrational energy’ into a search engine, and it’ll quickly return the fact that watching a lot of TV is like undressing your mind and submerging it into a bath of negative energy. TV effectively numbs the left side of your brain and renders you helpless to your right brain which is incapable of decoding and critically analyzing the information being presented to you. Essentially, you go on ‘auto-pilot’.”

TV Propaganda and the Mind Control Culture:


excerpt: “Few subjects present an indisputable window into modern society than the electronic version of reality that is dispensed through television broadcasts. This technology does not require interactive skills or critical thinking acumen. Just watch and fall into a daydream trance. TV is the stealth killer that penetrates 114.7 million American households.”

Media’s Use of Propaganda to Persuade People’s Attitude, Beliefs and Behaviors by Johnnie Manzaria & Jonathon Bruck

excerpt: ” Indeed, there is more to the presentation of information than the facts one uses. The placement of the facts and the order can slowly mold the understanding of the reader. Through specific propaganda techniques reprogramming, authority, and commitment to consistency the author is able to take a potentially dangerous situation and make the reader feel completely comfortable with the various scenarios that may ensue.”



listen and watch:

Mind Control through Tv and the Children:

David Icke on the Music Industry Agenda:

David Icke encapsulates humanity’s current plight and how we can secure our freedom from the Hidden Hand behind global events:

Final Words:

Beyond marketing and media’s grip, beyond the things you consume which end up controlling you – beyond the reaches of anyone… is your spirit.

Obviously the aforementioned is only just a glimpse into the vast array of ways in which we are subject to being tethered… albeit within those few is a vile landscape of endless and interconnected proportion. Even just the small measure of this truth shared herein- ought be enough to instigate action in those willing to embody and live within the truth. Consider the reality that This is only number two in a list of the 10 truths- and already we have covered a mammoth amount of challenges facing modern day warriors in the battle to ascend.

This volume of the ten truths series, as profoundly intricate and vast in proportion as it is, took me over 2 months to write. …Sitting down for hours at a time in front of my computer, gathering resources and diving into research to backup the truth that i so desperately wanted to deliver- left me exhausted each time i undertook to finish it, regularly i would write a few paragraphs, gather sums of information and regularly it would render me physically ill or suffocated- due to the sheer weight of it all… ( this happened over and over 15 times according to wordpress’s ‘revisions count’ ) and as such i would have to return to the primary piece of advice offered with this series, which is the teaching of balance. I would walk away for days, sometimes weeks and wait for the call to return in fortitude to strive to finish it. Please hold the lesson of balance in your consciousness always, and especially during this quickening, this time of great awakening, being in balance grants warriors the fortitude to keep striving to thrive.

Humanity was not always like this, we did not always live under a paradigm that places manufactured wealth higher on the food chain than human happiness or basic personal liberty. At an overall what has happened to us, is that we have forgotten our identities. Humans were once ( and will again become ) 4th and 5th dimensional beings with the ability to manifest any reality they dreamed up at the blink of an eye. We were once a great and noble race that lived in harmony with the understanding of the ultimate truth of existence which is that we are all one. Interconnected and unified in the great cosmic consciousness. Encoded in our DNA is the truth of our capabilities, written within our essence are the answers we spend a lifetime seeking. This life is a great remembrance, and bless the blood in our veins we are waking up from amnesia.

watch: the hidden history of humanity:

The ultimate understanding is that we already are everything we can be- but an ever widening gap in memory and an ever-increasing opposition that seeks to keep us blinded and divided – keeps us from this truth. Seeks to control our ability to reclaim our birthright and remember ourselves.

The path to this remembrance is fraught with so much chaos its often as if we are akin to salmon struggling our way against the stream to make our way to fertile grounds.

Elemental to reversing the flow of the current is identifying that which opposes us, that which seeks to catch us in its nets and splay us across tables of rich folks on cedar planks, smoked with a side of fragrant dill.

Those who exist in the darkness, who toil to create tragedy, who traverse miles and spend millions to build intricate strategies to keep you from what is already yours- the biggest travesty is that those feeble, anti-heroes should win you over. That you should leave this earthly incarnation without ever truly knowing the taste of freedom, without ever truly understanding all that’s within you. Without ever truly loving yourself completely. Without ever truly returning to your default nature of thriving. That is what drives me to write, that is what keeps me moving forward, that is what i sacrifice for, what i continue to push myself with- the belief that by inspiring you to your ultimately beautiful nature – you might ultimately awaken to yourself.

may you be nourished by your knowledge and may your Warrior’s arsenal be ever-expanded as you shed your ignorance for awakening…

With continued service to the light,

blessings and love,

in lakesh,


& #tellingthetetheredtruth




our best defense and our only hope of salvation really given the state of reality in the world we live in is to in essence- crack our genetic code and reclaim our divine understanding, our birthright – which is a default state of unity, thriving and empowerment; is to learn to be mindful in our lives. Not only mindful in the sense of being present for each moment of our lives- but mindful in our consumption, mindful in our actions, and mindful of our wellness. Love your temple, ignorance is not bliss. The luckiest woman on earth is one whom knows herself, embraces the truth of herself wholeheartedly, embodies gratitude for the earth and with beloved appreciation of the interconnectedness of all things, strives to walk the path in loving, artful reverence. Evolution follows a path of release and cleansing, the cycle of creation follows destruction and after we learn to wield our own light- we have the capacity to challenge the darkness…
references:Sources for Television stats:

[9] American Academy of Pediatrics. Television—what children see and learn. Available at: http://www.aap.org/pubed/ZZZNKWJGQ2D.htm?&sub_cat=1. Accessed 11 November 2009.[10] Strasburger VC. Alcohol advertising and adolescents. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2002 Apr;49(2):353-76, vii.
[2] Roberts DF, Foehr UG, Rideout V. Generation M: media in the lives of 8-18 year-olds. Kaiser Family Foundation. March 2005.
[15] Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Children, violence, and the media: a report for parents and policy makers. September 14, 1999. Accessed 14 June 2006. Previously available at: http://judiciary.senate.gov/oldsite/mediavio.htm.
[2a] Rideout, Foehr, Roberts, 2010.
[14] American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Public Education. Media violence. Pediatrics. 2001 Nov;108(5):1222-6. Available at: http://aappolicy.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/pediatrics;108/5/1222.
[14a] Bushman BJ, Anderson, CA. Comfortably numb: desensitizing effects of violent media on helping others. Psychological Science. 2009 21(3):273-277.
[10] Strasburger VC. Alcohol advertising and adolescents. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2002 Apr;49(2):353-76, vii.
[20] American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Public Education. Media violence. Pediatrics. 2001 Nov;108(5):1222-6.
[20a] Bushman & Anderson, 2009.
[23] Manganello JA, Taylor CA. Television exposure as a risk factor for aggressive behavior among 3-year-old children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009 Nov;163(11):1037-45.
a disclaimer:
i nor anyone else affiliated with the nourished warrior, are in no way affiliated with any organization or anti-organization. neither do i subscribe to following any particular path to truth but that which resonates in my own spirit on my own personal path to ascension. i am going to avoid addressing directly those behind these truths- ( other than the companies publicly and widely known to be villains ) or using specific ‘keywords’ here for the sake of remaining out of any firing line, spotlight or otherwise drawing unnecessary attention to myself. please also note i am not endorsing any cures, treatments or otherwise as a replacement for advice from a qualified PHD or healthcare practitioner. the links and info provided herein are to be used by the individual at their own discretion.
EMPOWER, empowerment, Nourished Warrior Wellness, revolution, the shift, wellness warriors

Nourished Warrior Wellness: EMPOWER: 10 truths that you need to know – WTFU vol. 1~ toxintruth

warriorwelnnesWTFU aint what the fuck, but wake the fuck – up. it’s a harsh acronym perhaps, but the intention behind it is relative to the importance of the call to action.

there’s alot of misinformation, disinformation and saturation of useless information in the world we live in.

2012 and the massive energy shift therein saw a quickening that empowered so many more people to begin the awakening process, so much truth unveiled ( and often times quickly veiled over again by mainstream media or discredited by those whom want to keep the masses under their programmed spell. The reality however is that humans, blessed, wonderful, amazing creatures that we are- are meant to evolve. Our destiny is mapped out in the cosmos before we are born and henceforth long after we leave this earthly incarnation ) We certainly aren’t meant to live superficial lives in fearsome apprehension to dive into the deep end of our consciousness… resting in oblivion on material gains, striving for empty existence shrouded by shit that makes no difference. You can strive for money and you can buy yourself a temporary belief that standing on your stacks will get you higher up any ladder to the top, but those who follow a conscious path of course know that ascension can’t be charged on no platinum visa.

The point in short is, that this life in this time, is a miraculous, exciting and powerful opportunity… There are more of us than ever before- answering the call to WTFU and making it their dharma to assist others in the journey to awaken. And to all of you, you know who you are- bless your journey. Please continue.

in reality there are thousands of tiny truths that bring happy daily a-ha moments, and there are massive truths that are often indigestible given what we are, in essence, ‘programmed’ to believe. This list may end up being much more involved than my original intent which is to simply share a topline level of truth- however i will be delivering just 10 truths ( in no particular order ) that are as much a call to action as they are a call to awakening- and essential upon that often perilous path to ascension, some points may be obvious- others perhaps fucking shocking- but essential all the same to keep yourself safe and striving to thrive amidst a world where chaos reigns…

as a preface here i would like to iterate that all things need to be approached in moderation, with ultimate balance as your starting point. Balance is the secret of universal harmony. balance is key. This may be an obvious statement- especially relevant in modern life where its a struggle to survive and pull in the revenue you need to cover your nut- no matter how big or small your nuts are, balance is the only thing that will provide depth and meaning, enrich a life spent working. At the centre of every system of order, every measure of success in relationships, everything in the natural world requires a centrepoint built on fortitude and wise and economical distribution. Ying, Yang, Creation, Destruction, Light, Dark, Hot + Cold = warm… and all life thrives in warmth- from bacteria to humanity- humans thrive when they meet warmth… allow it to flourish in their lives. The concept of balance can apply to personal life vs. work in the world, to finding your core on the yoga mat and mastering that arm balance, to learning the lesson of moderation when indulging in the deliciousness of life. Food, Substances, Technology, Sex…Too much makes you sick, too little and you starve. It’s that point where you meet a sense of satisfaction where your awareness ought spark pause on consumption.  And this lesson of balance applies to those on the conscious path as well- for in knowing how much truth you can handle, when seeking out what’s behind and underneath the surface-finding balance is vital. My journey to awakening has sped up immeasurably in the last year and even as an individual who had her first conscious experience around the tender age of 12- 20+ years passed by so quickly and there is so much to open your eyes to that it often becomes too much- when balanced against the strive to function on a practical level. One day it was just as if life opened up and out poured forth its truth to me- ugly, unbelievable yet at the same time these truths were realities that i felt i already knew but had been displaced from, it was as if a veil was lifted and i was able to see beyond. Those who strive for the same experience of awakening and reclaiming your innate empowerment and sight, should do so under a pretense of mindfulness.

it is under that wisdom that i deliver this top 10 list, beginning here with the first truth: ( and many truths that unfold herein as waking TFU- is a process akin to peeling an onion…)



#1- #TOXINtruth: we are strategically, systematically, persistently being poisoned. 

we live in a toxic world. toxins come in many forms- spiritual, psychological, environmental, physical: for example in processed and synthetic foods that crowd the grocery store shelves to the toxic gossip and mainstream media magazines that line the checkout- filling your head with nonsensical distraction and useless information that serves no purpose other than to provide orchestrated worlds of digression and fabricated dramatics that act like a puppet show to divert your eyes from what’s really happening… the least of which what might be in those 10 items or less on the conveyor belt in front of you… toxins perpetuate the cycle of ultimate consumerism and keep the corporate machines rolling.. when i go shopping at any given grocery store there is quite literally less than 10 items in the entirety of any given major grocery chain that i would even consider putting in ( or on ) my body. This issue goes so deep and stretches so far and wide that like the rest of the items on this list- it deserves its own feature editorial piece, however just to skim the top; here’s a few of the worst toxic culprits we are faced with on a daily basis that keep the masses under the influence and in the system and functioning as is desired by those pulling the proverbial strings:

Fluoride is a blinding control mechanism: 

tap_water_fluoride_poisonThis one is super sick and a super slick ploy that is so fundamentally wrong in so many ways that there aren’t enough words really. For one: Fluoride has long been used in rodenticides and pesticides to kill pests like rats and insects. In terms of toxicity- it is more toxic than lead and slightly less so than arsenic. As a child in public school i recall the days when the school nurse would wheel in her cart full of tiny dixie cups filled to the brim with pink liquid. if i close my eyes and try, i can still taste how fucken disgusting this experience was- everyone in class hated this. no, in fact we dreaded it. the justification by the school system i believe, was something along the lines of ‘healthy oral hygiene’ when in fact- years later i came to understand that fluoride has a massive impact on both learning capacity and brain function, it in effect shuts down certain receptors that allow us to absorb and retain information… and what better a way to get this highly toxic substance into the masses, beginning at a pivotal age. The education systems are clearly in cahoots with ‘whomever’ – it is that is pulling the strings behind the so-called curtain.

Harvard review of brain studies involving the use of fluoride concluded that exposure to the substance causes damage to neurological development; meaning those whom had been exposed to fluoride over certain periods of time or whom lived in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQs than those in areas with lower levels.  ( Further, 15 percent of children in the high-fluoride city had signs of mental retardation) This research only adds to an ever-expanding number of studies on humans and animals demonstrating the damage inflicted on your brain by fluoride. Most notably- your pineal gland  (  or seat of the soul, spiritual antenna, intuition organ, gateway to the infinite etc. ) Which is the primary target of fluoride accumulation in the body. (  for those who aren’t aware the pineal is a wee gland located between the two hemispheres of the brain that regulates both melatonin and serotonin   ( which helps regulate mood, hormones and protects the body from free-radical damage ) and is responsible for awakening in humans, opening the third eye and becoming conscious. The molecule which opens us to spiritual experience, otherwise known as DMT ( a naturally occurring psychedelic responsible for conscious understanding ) is housed in the pineal gland. Studies also show that the pineal literally has every biological component required to be a functioning eye similar to the other two we use. The purpose of the pineal gland as a conscious awakening portal has been buried under centuries of toxic diversion and misinformation so much so that there are those who still do not know it even exists let alone what its purpose is. ( for proof on the Pineal gland click here: http://www.riseearth.com/2014/01/proof-that-pineal-gland-is-literally.html?m=1

Sodium Fluoride is not good for you period. Nevermind your teeth which are systematically destroyed by its effects- it collects heavy metals and binds to calcium and other minerals in the body causing calcification and degradation of not only the precious Pineal gland but all tissues, bones and pretty much every bodily system. The use of fluoride as a mechanism of control can be traced back to WW2 and The Nazi regime ( it’s true, google it. ) Some believe that the third reich evolved into what is now a fourth reich- which is the topic of the 2008 book by Jim Marrs) Fluoridization of drinking water is something that is banned in many countries, unfortunately in North American ‘governments etc.’ aptly use the tactic as a way to exert control on a massive, massive level. The effects of fluoride on the human system are of undeniable benefit to those seeking to dominate or control population on every level-  in short, it makes humans docile, subservient and unable to resist domination.

The FDA now requires warnings on all toothpaste containing fluoride, yet the brands are still touting its dental benefits with legitimizing claims made by dentists endorsing them. In China and India millions now suffer from crippling bone diseases from water contaminated from elevated levels of fluoride. ( Fluoride exposure disrupts the synthesis of collagen and leads to the breakdown of collagen in bone, tendon, muscle, skin, cartilage, lungs, kidney and trachea it has also been known to cause severe arthritis, development of bone cancer, depression of thyroid activity, impaired immune function, premature aging and at an overall is extremely hazardous to biological development, life span and general health- especially in children. ) So imagine a class of 40 of children if you will, in protest- swishing around this evil pink liquid for 45 seconds every week, spitting it back into a cup. Intense really. The young mind always knows, prior to our instincts being systematically snuffed out over time, our intuitions were open to receive and we knew when something was wrong…

“Fluoride causes more human cancer, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.”
– Dean Burk, Chief Chemist Emeritus, US National Cancer Institute

Another disturbing fact:  this craze in the 90’s started sweeping the nations, it was a plan carried out by a little drug company named BIG PHARMA Pfizer whom developed a little drug named Prozac. ( or ‘Fluoxetine’ ) A phenomenon swept the continent and doctors everywhere doled out countless scripts for this so-called miracle drug that could cure the masses of their ‘depression’ and various other psychiatric disorders…  what a genius invention this drug that would serve as a tool to create masses and masses of docile and subservient drugged up humans.

fourthreich“It is quite ironic that Prozac, which is 94 percent fluoride and given to hyperactive children, requires a prescription from a licensed physician while the same substance can be placed in our drinking water by dealers who have no medical training, no license to dispense medications, and no idea to whom they are administering this corrosive, toxic, and impairing substance.” 

— “The Rise of the Fourth Reich,” by Jim Marrs (HarperCollins, 2008, p. 193

So if this isn’t enough to promote awareness of what’s happening to you –   ( that’s right to you because you aren’t doing anything about it WTFU!…please.) I prescribe an  immediate fluoride detox program

I’ve spoken to individuals in person with whom i have shared this information only to meet a blank, dumb stare of disbelief and doubt- the sadness to me is that, that is the precise response an over-intake of fluoride elicits. They are perfect products of a calcified body and soul.

There are ways to detox yourself on an overall level + begin to de-calcify your pineal gland, ( side benefits being lowering your risk of cancer amongst a host of other diseases caused by this toxic evil) – strive for an alkaline diet- reducing acidity in the body will help your overall toxicity level and will begin the – process of opening your third eye  ( Detoxification and Activation of the third eye leads to vast, immeasurable improvement… an open third eye brings clarity, focus, concentration, intuition, decisiveness, lucid dreams, better sleep, clear energetic channels )  A closed third eye or in Sakskrit~ “Ajna Chakra” brings confusion, uncertainty, cynicism, pessimism, jealousy, envy and one-sided vision- similar to the effects of fluoridized self, yeah?


Eliminate sources of fluoride from your diet. STOP using toothpaste. personally we use coconut oil to brush our teeth- in addition to cleansing it whitens and the process of ‘oil pulling’ has long been a trick used by those in the know. buy organic toothpaste @ the health food store, make sure its fluoride free obviously, but watch out for sodium laureth sulfates and other nasty chemicals trying to sneak in instead… Please do not take calcium supplements as calcium binds to fluoride in the body and will do the opposite of what you seek in essence. The reasons to stop sources of fluoride from infiltrating your existence are seeming endless but for those specifically interested in a detox of the pineal gland here are just a few of the supplements available will boost its function, aid in decalcification and at an overall nourish you on your journey to cultivating a thriving life:

1. Melatonin

– a plant-based, organic melatonin would be best. dose small, do not use for more than a few months. you can easily get these for a few bucks at most stores.

The pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin, ( associated with relaxation, visualization, and the circadian rhythms of the body )  purchasing melatonin supplements, make sure the products are plant-based and not animal tested.

2. Oregano Oil + Neem Extract

oregano oil has been making big business as a cure-all for cold, flu and viral symptoms for a while now. Neem is an ancient ayurvedic tonic  with countless benefits from skincare to antibiotic and antibacterial, it  has flown under the radar for the past hundred ++ years however in India is still revered  as a life-affirming tonic with benefits that are seeming limitless. Both oregano oil and neem extract aid in a purification process, assisting in the decalcification of the pineal as well as working on the  endocrine systems- and oregano whilst typically used in our western world to strengthen our immunity has super-powers the likes of which have few rivals.

3. Raw Cacao

Raw, organic theobroma in its native form is said to stimulate the third eye as well as detoxify the pineal gland. Side benefits of course include the dopamine rush that occurs post-choco-dulgence. Organic Traditions makes excellent cacao nibs + powders, rich with benefits beyond our immediate understanding.

3. Cannabis

as many know i have been touting the cancer-curing, life enhancing benefits of the cannabis plant for some time, having cured my own ‘cancer’ with a treatment regime of pure cannabis oil- i’ve been publishing an ongoing series following this experiment.  Among the plethora of benefits of this miracle plant,  Cannabis or more accurately (endo) Cannibinoids (The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) maintains our biological systems by regulating cell tissue-Using Omega 6 + arachidonic acid to make the fatty molecules that then act as communication systems that signal harm between the cells in our bodyboth treat and prevent cancer, reduce heart attacks by 66% and insulin dependent diabetes by 58%. Cannabis itself provides highly digestible globular protein, balanced in all Essential Amino Acids, providing the ideal balance ratio of omegas 6+9.  Low levels of essential fatty acids cause all manner of issues within our brains including causing our brains to age faster, contributing to the blinding of the pineal gland, issues with mood balance, impaired memory, cognitive function and dementia According to a study published in the February  2012, print issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

beware the sugar mafia: 

There is a slew of up and coming research on the deadly effects of sugar consumptionobviously we have been warned throughout our lives as to the dangers of indulging too much in this addictive substance- but that does not stop 90% of North Americans from gorging on the regular- According to Statistics Canada, the average Canadian consumes 26 teaspoons of sugar per day. That’s 40 kilograms per year —– or 20 bags!

Even while the emerging research shows childhood obesity at an all time high-  ( literally like  12.5 million children and adolescents in the U.S. alone ) and Drs and Scientists everywhere are warning about the potential pitfalls of a sugar-habit- seems peeps cannot avoid the thrill of the rush… which as it turns out is directly related to its addictive properties. A study was done at Princeton on this subject – its results found that mice who were continuously fed a choice between water and saccarin ( a nasty little sugar derivative/substitute) or cocaine- after getting a taste of sugar- those mice would return to the sugary straw over the coke straw every single time. The study also documented bingeing similar to that of a drug addict- rats eating large amounts of sugar when hungry, ( a phenomenon  described as ‘sugar-bingeing’ ) undergo neuro-chemical changes in the brain that appear to mimic those produced by substances of abuse, including cocaine, morphine, nicotine…” So in short: sugar triggers our pleasure centre to release dopamine – which starts the fast-track to addiction. ( suck on this: Sugar is actually just one atom away from the chemical makeup of cocaine. ie: sugar C12H22011 has 12 carbon / cocaine: C17H21N04. The only difference is the ‘N’ or nitrogen. )

A Dr from the University of California released then groundbreaking evidence to point to the severe toxicity of a substance that has an entire society-strung out. Robert H. Lustig, M.D. is Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at University of California, San Francisco, As a Childhood Obesity expert he says that sugar, which is made up of glucose and fructose molecules, is a poison because of the way our bodies break it down. To put a bit of perspective to it:  Typically people get most of their sugar in two main forms: table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.

“When you metabolize fructose in excess, your liver has no choice but to turn that energy into liver fat and that liver fat causes all of the downstream metabolic diseases- such as Diabetes.”

The reality of this epidemic is frightening- there is little you could pick up in a grocery store that does not contain sugar or one of its synthetic derivatives… bread, sauce, packaged meals, crackers, cereal… whatever it is you will find sugar in one of its alias forms- that is almost a guarantee.

What is really needed is a sugar detox- and i recco. that on the journey to optimal wellness everyone undergo at least one detox a month- from sugar specifically. Speaking as someone who when working in the marketing world- as an account exec for Coca-Cola with a 12 diet coke ( yes literally 12! )  per day habit-  i totally get the grip the sugar-mafia puts on our lives.   i am a recovering aspartame junkie and i’ve been through the process of giving up and i know what it takes to let go of something our bodies and brains are begging for…

Protection: The best possible medicine is to reset your dopamine channels, seems like a difficult feat although it is quite easy if you commit to re-alignment. Post substance abuse of any kind our brains technically stop knowing how to release the feel good chemicals that instigate the bliss we all seek… however replacing one habit with another is often the easiest way for peeps to retrain themselves whilst in a detox from evils. Exercise on the regular is the best possible solution to re-instating your natural dopamine supply- yoga, meditation, running, whatever it is – grab a solid soundtrack and just go for it. Your body will be flooded with fresh energy in no time and there will be no 3pm sugar-crash to not look forward to.


Keep this chart along with the others in your Nourished Warrior printed info-graphic arsenal- and pull it out whilst you are shopping for fuel- use it to cross reference the ingredients in the grocery store aisles and learn how to spot members of the sugar mafia hiding out in your goods. There are around 200 names for sugar shown here, however this is an ever-expanding mafia with new members being initiated all the time, so keep in mind that anything that looks ‘sugar free’ most likely is not.


electromagnetic pollution/environmental toxins: chemtrails, heavy-metals, HAARP, ‘imbalanced’ individuals…

heavy metals: some whom have had a plethora of dental work, are wise to the realities of dental amalgam’s mercury content- entire generations walking ’round with a mouth full of deadly heavy metals is a pretty frightening notion, but not as frightening as some of the other ways we are exposed to substances such as – Arsenic, Asbestos, Benzene, Cadmium, Dioxin and dioxin-like substances, fluoride, Lead, Mercury along with Highly hazardous pesticides ( such as roundup for example ) all of which are listed by the World Health Organization as the most fearsome and toxic and ‘potentially’ harmful. These stable elements cannot be metabolized by the body and their bio-accumulative nature is the scariest piece- our bodies cannot remove these substances easily- and they build up to often fatal levels the longer we are exposed. Acute heavy metal intoxications can cause damaging oxidative free radical proliferation &  degenerative disease in the central nervous, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems, lungs, kidneys, liver, endocrine glands, and bones. Chronic heavy metal exposure has also been implicated in cancer, schitzophrenia, insanity, rage and a slew of other illnesses both physical and mental.

Ubiquitous in the environment and in our food sources- it’s incredibly difficult to avoid heavy metal toxicity especially when eating non-processed/synthetic foods ( synthetic foods have no resemblance molecular or otherwise to any living food group- therefore by nature or un-nature as it were – do not contain as many heavy metals as other foods. Those of us who adhere to strict vegan or organic diets ( because let’s face it raw foods are incredibly difficult to afford us a full diet given the availability and financial implications…) are often sometimes exposed to even more metals because of our choice to eat unprocessed or synthetic. Many toxic heavy metals act as molecular “mimics” of nutritionally essential trace elements; ( healthy homeopathic alternatives of aluminum or the like, for example ) and as a result, they compete with essential metallic cofactors for cell and enzyme function / dynamics. In short: they are evil imposters of otherwise vital nutrients and infiltrate the same parts of the body that the otherwise healthy nutritives do. ( an example of this is shown in the video below done by the Health Ranger, whom explains how the mimicing process works )


one of the best things you can do to avoid knowingly exposing yourself, beyond the employment of a whole-food nutrition plan is to avoid flu shots ( which contain mercury and a slew of other nasty substances ) and avoid vaccinating your children. ( indeed the topic of vaccines deserves an entire section unto itself but i will leave it to those conscious seeker to explore this topic beyond the topline )

among the supplements that can reverse and heal the effects of heavy metal exposure :

Vitamin E: ( Through its antioxidant action, it mitigates some of the toxic damage caused by heavy metals )

Chlorella (a unicellular green algae with the ability to bind cadmium , zinc, copper, and lead: it has been used to detoxify wastewater of metal contaminants )

Pro-biotics ( some probiotic bacteria can minimize toxin exposure via trapping + metabolizing heavy metals)

Silicon or Silica / DE or Diatomaceous Earth ( which is over 90% silica, made up of teeny tiny diatoms )   a powerful overall body cleanser, regulator and balancer for its ability to eradicate even the stickiest toxins within our digestive systems. Silicon however, has been shown to antagonize the metabolism of aluminum, which could also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, and continuously support improved cognitive functioning )

Screen shot 2014-01-30 at 4.48.56 PMQuantum Pendant: this is something each of us in the Nourished Warrior tribe swear by and never remove. Quantum / Scalar energy has the capacity to awaken you on a much higher frequency in addition to its amazing detoxification and cleansing properties, They emit a healing frequency that works on a multitude of levels to neutralize electromagnetic pollution, block the evil EMF energies emitted by cell phones- which sap energy and add to free radical generation, Improve immune function (live bloodcell microscopy has shown red blood cell clumping is immediately reduced when a quantum pendant is placed next to the blood sample). and work to reduce inflammation in the body- ( one of our key warriors suffered chronic pain for years – the adornment of this pendant has assisted in achieving a 50% reduction in medication and an overall improvement in ongoing acute pain ) There has been a plethora of copycat products released in the last years- including ones that contain heavy metals vs. the lava rock composition that the originals contain. So keep an eye out for imposters. In addition there are also quantum bracelets available – as well as stickers for cell phones.

Screen shot 2014-01-29 at 10.18.28 PMenerCHI custom empowerment:  

For protection, healing, for individual wellness: enerCHI’s Custom wear jewelry pieces are cultivated talismans for healing and transformation, compassionately,intuitively-crafted, intention-based tools of empowerment – handmade to see you thrive. Formulated to work with your unique frequency & fuel your highest level happiness and healing, enerCHI transcends traditional jewelry concepts- embodying sacred symbolism, ancient crystal energy and most importantly- the power of you.
in order to curate the optimal frequency, fit, and formulation & optimal energetic alignment in each piece,
custom wear crafting begins with an intuitive healing consult, offering thoughtful insights, powerful perspectives, unpretentious advice and holistic wellness solutions- guiding you  to set your intentions, explore your energetic needs & reveal your goals and aspirations- the result is an artisan alchemy of distinctive fuel to complement your personal evolution.

the engineering of our skies:

chemtrailsIf you are not familiar with what chemtrails are you might do well by yourself to stop what you are doing in this moment, take a step outside and if the sky is blue and the sun is shining have a look into the horizon for pillowy grey clouds or strange white lines… those while puffy lines that resemble an airplane’s trails, are in fact from a much scarier source. I’d implore you to do a bit of research on geo-engineering, weather modification, ‘atmospheric aerosol’, cloud-seeding, or  SRM: solar radiation management,  and its basis, fallout and the associated risks around the topic of chemtrails. A study done in the last few years by an activist organization tested earth and plant matter post-chemtrail sightings and found all manner of nasty toxins, heavy metals, and other substances that had fallen from the sky –   (  such as silver iodide– a hazardous, toxic pollutant which causes organ toxicity, skin rashes, anemia, weakness, weightloss, depression, skin discoloration among other things )   To be clear; these are not much more than biological weapons of mass destruction. According to several different geo-scientists the chemtrail program involves dropping or spraying residential and other areas with between 10 million and 20 million tonnes, yes TONNES- of chemical compounds containing barium, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum oxide, lead etc…  this program which is so sweetly titled ” project cloverleaf” is a super-secretive program in which many of the pilots whom are flying the planes actually have no idea of what it is they are dropping. Why, you ask? why would the government or anyone for that matter terrorize its people, poison its lands and effectively develop a biological weapon of mass destruction?

Consider the impact of the ability to control weather through spraying these toxins- rendering a weapon that could cause drought, famine…. destruction of land equals impotency and loss of independence for countries that are no longer able to grow and harvest crops. ( read:once this happens it allows foreign governments or any organization for that matter to impose domination in exchange for basic survival needs)
commodities are directly affected by weather and whomever controls the weather controls the masses. ( weather has been traded as a commodity @ Chicago Merchantile since 1997… ) In effect- this is one of the most dangerous, most shocking, most sociopathic and pathologically corrupt toxic truths happening in our world today.

last year when we attended the Total Health show we were party to a Documentary about- HAARP-

( for those of you who are not party to the realities of HAARP- it’s a pretty terrifying ongoing program run by the same peeps who are responsible for CHEMTRAILS… HAARP is short for The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) and is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, among other questionable cohorts. It’s a pretty scary proposition and while technically it is described: “  its purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance. “ at an overall the truth is more deeply disturbing, and for those brave enough to step into the know i would suggest checking out Nick’s documentary film ‘ Angels don’t play this HAARP’

Based on his best selling book, Dr. Nick Begich presents a compelling discussion of one of the important military advances of the United States government….digging even deeper into the truth behind HAARP will certainly lead you to a different view of the northern lights…check out: http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/haarp_index.htm

.. low frequency foes are everywhere. Those whom are shrouded in the darkness of negativity carrying their baggage and burdens -be it ego or anger or resentment or hate,  affect all those who come into their immediate radius and the only answer to meeting this energy is to work to bring forth your wisdom of balance- to balance it by embodying its opposite. Light, love, high-frequency happiness which is not within the realm of understanding for those ‘people’ whom are trapped in a low frequency state. I began a series about feng shuiing your universe, which  in essence, acts as an existential mastercleanse of sorts- with detailed insight into releasing your energetic, emotional and spiritual baggage, those burdens that box us up and keep us down. Vol 1. deals with ‘relationship feng shui’ and delivers a workable process to releasing that which no longer serves you= as applied to the connections, relationships and associations both with others and within.

Learning to: embody, empower and eradicate is the solution to many challenges in life. As related to the topic of poisonous people in our lives: the embodiment of our personal truth, our highest frequency happiness and our light coupled with the wisdom and knowing needed to banish that which creates blockage and burdens us ( physically, psychically, psychologically, spiritually, intellectually and energetically ) creates a powerful synthesis that can systematically destroy any ill will or low frequency foe that strives to depress your mojo. Granted there is so much toxic, lowfrequency shit that we cannot see – such as the aforementioned infiltration of our food and water system by toxic evils – but with consistent effort to cleanse ourselves of that which we are aware of, we are building an immunity, opening the door to manifesting, setting our intentions against toxic elements- and where attention goes, energy flows. Embrace your innate light, the seed of the divine that exists in every being. The infinite power of love that exists within our heartcentre and connects us to all that is- is your ultimate warrior’s weapon. Tend to the garden of your heart, allow the joy you have – no matter how small, how seeming insignificant given the magnitude of the evils that swirl round- to surround you with a force-field of protection that will lift you up and let you breathe clean conscious breaths…even whilst the air might be toxic.



about the skies, geo-engineering programs:  Human Geo-EngineeringGeoengineeringWatch.orgAircrap.org,


SkyderALERT: a social network of people concerned about the health and environmental risks of GeoEngineering, SRM and weather modification and they have released an APP that allows you to track and submit images as well as scan your area for dangers


Dr Nick’s film ‘ Angels don’t play that HAARP’:

hormones gone haywire:

unless you are a woman on the birth control pill,  over 45 on a hormone replacement regime, or going through hormonal treatment as a part of a cancer therapy, you may not think you are ingesting hormones on the regular- but let me tell you, man, woman, child, animal… we are all subject to the hormonal hysteria that is sweeping the world. Mainly the hormones in modern diets mostly derive from consumption of processed foods and dairy products, after Food inc. shed light onto the awful state of dairy farms in North America it’s pretty difficult to deny the notion that dairy products are causing all manner of evils to be seeded in our bodies- Processed foods of course contain a myriad of chemical compounds that result in an even greater myriad of health conditions over time, one of these being an exacerbation of hormonal imbalances on a fundamental level. Over 75% of American children under the age of 12 consume milk or milk products on a daily basis, consider that as you peruse the next tidbits of info here: Harvard news put out a study way back in 2006 discussing the dangers of hormones in milk and since then the issue has been either confirmed or adamantlydrugsindairycows denied by most mainstream media sources across the continent(s).  “The milk we drink today is quite unlike the milk our ancestors were drinking” –  Ganmaa Davaasambuu ( a physician with a Ph.D. in environmental health and a then Harvard Scientist. ). told the Harvard Gazette nearly 8 years ago  That is a whopping understatement in a world where nearly all of our food is genetically engineered – even down to the milk that machines brutally squeeze out of the bloody, pus-filled udders of abused dairy animals that are milked over 300 days per year- whilst pregnant and producing 33 times more hormones-  As such, The concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) model of raising cows on factory farms churns out milk with dangerously high levels of estrone sulfate, an estrogen compound linked to testicular, prostate, and breast cancers.   Meanwhile, raw, grass-fed, organic milk from cows milked at the proper times is linked to improving digestion, healing autoimmune disorders, and boosting overall immunity, which can help prevent cancer. Though you will never hear any of this from the mainstream media, all milk is not the same — the way a cow is raised, when it is milked, and how its milk is handled and processed makes all the difference in whether or not the end product promotes health or death. – Said a 2012 Natural News article

The link between cancer and dietary hormones – is a topic that has blown up in the last decade and for good reason. Natural estrogens (- on the whole Dairy accounts for 60-80% of estrogen consumed. ) are up to 100,00X more potent than their environmental counterparts ( such as the estrogen-like compounds found in pesticides – Non-organic foods sprayed with chemical pesticides/fertilizer accumulate large amounts of xeno-or artificial estrogens.

Hormonal imbalance is caused from a variety of issues from dairy consumption to improper diet to contraception, and in effect it causes all manner of symptoms from chronic pain and lethargy to obesity are reason enough to reconsider what it is you are putting into your body- but its the term ‘cancer’  that seems to get people to perk up and pay attention – so from a statistical standpoint, the data doesn’t lie ( although it does change rather rapidly ) One study done in the last 10 years compared diet and cancer rates in 42 countries. Its findings revealed that milk and cheese consumption are strongly correlated to the incidence of testicular cancer among men ages 20-39  In the past 50 years in Japan dairy consumption has been rising- as is the prostate cancer death rate which has gone from zero per 100,000 to 7 per 100,000. Part of the reason why this devastating rise in dairy-related-death has become what seems an unavoidable fate for those who are on the milk-bandwagon is that the US government continuously provides incentives to Farmers who use this detrimental CAFO model of raising cows, perpetuating the belief that all milk is the same- in 2012 a bill was passed that incentivized confined factory farming that forced cows to eat GMO feed, which on top of the abuse-derived, hormone-riddled milk that’s being produced- would see the animals become even sicker. for more info: http://www.anh-usa.org/healthy-milk-what-is-it/

A wise alternative option to dairy is almond milk, coconut milk, homemade or storebought ( without added synthetics such as carageenan- ) if its cheese you are addicted to, try either making a nut-based vegan option, cashew is great or if you absolutely need your cheese- there is a Cypriot cheese called Haloumi which is typically made from sheep and goats milk and is undeniably delicious.

the other hormonal source that is seeing women all over North America become not only imbalanced  but suffering from a slew of severe side effects and ever- increasing health conditions including mood disorders and infertility is chronic use of the birth control pill. Many women are put on the pill at a very young age as a way to manage menstrual symptoms or as a contraceptive. You may not live in constant fear of becoming pregnant ( unless you forget a pill ) but what you definitely are doing is altering your entire internal chemistry. Which can result in unexpected and difficult to treat issues such as inability to breastfeed, decreased libido and a host of other symptoms. Luckily, There are natural birth control methods which have been providing salvation to those whom have been on the Birth Control pill bandwagon for years and have had enough of the ride, this is giving rise to a movement led by Holistic Fertility Specialists around North America- In Canada The Red Tent Sisters- who promote fertility awareness and natural alternatives to traditional methods, have been helping women achieve happy hormones and eco-friendly orgasms for over 10 years. Take a look @ the video ‘ Five Fabulous Reasons to Ditch the Pill & Reclaim Your Health, Happiness, & Future Fertility’  a plethora of wisdom on Women’s Fertility as effected by the Birth Control Pill and how to replace that life-altering substance with a more holistic method that will nourish your thriving.

 Pesticides, Fertilizers and GMOS:

Herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers such as the infamous  ’roundup’ are still wreaking havoc on all life from the soil to the bees to livestock to human… most of today’s industrial farming practices have ties to one singular organization and the main culprit of course is Monsanto. There are countless websites, activist groups, documentary films and organizations in protest of this gigantic terrorist organization- however with its stronghold on America’s industry it is difficult to avoid buying into their plots. We published a piece that included a DO NOT BUY infographic, (see below)   listing Monsanto owned companies, for use in your arsenal- though bare in mind this list is ever-expanding and each company on this list is continuously striving to buy out the competition, a tactic that has even spread to the organic sector- you can find the Corporate-owned Organic infographic here:  GMOS is a topic which i have discussed previously, and whilst i am certainly not interested in repeating myself ( although there is definitive value in repetition if you consider mantras, affirmations etc. ) … the GMO-train keeps rolling on at warp speed bound and those on it are bound to see wreckage if they don’t hop the track. If you have not seen the GMO-fed Pig Stomach images,  see below… nor watched the Genetic Roulette film by Jeffery Smith or the films such as Food Inc. that address the dangers surrounding both chemical-crops and GMOs- you are in for a shocker if still buying traditional foods.

the initial ‘Clean Eating’ article i posted is here: https://thenourishedwarrior.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/nourished-warrior-wellness-clean-eating/

however here is a brief recap: The effect that GMOs have on the human body are still being discovered on daily basis, but what we do know is that consumption of genetically engineered food leads to the following: 

Top 10 illnesses caused by GMO’s

1- depression and anxiety- this one is huge.

2- Alzheimers

3- Diabetes

4- Cancer

5- Parkinson’s Disease

6- Gastrointestinal issues such as IBS, Crohn’s disease, ulcers, Leaky Gut syndrome and a host of other nastiness

7- Killing off of Bee Colonies- bees are absolutely essential for human survival on this planet

8- increase in severe food allergies

9- becoming anti-biotic resistant and all around increased toxicity to boot

10- this list could go on forever really, as each day something new about the harmful, horrific effects of this disgusting mutant creation is discovered. A simple google will affirm everything that i have listed here and teach you a wide variety of other horrifying information that is sure to keep you up at night.

if you need any further evidence, ( because perhaps you haven’t yet watched the genetic roulette film-)  have a look at this:

this is a Pig Stomach- used for research purposes to show the effects of a stomach that has been fed a GMO diet.

Results show a 267% increase in severe stomach inflammation compared to those fed non-GMO diets

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/040727_gmo_feed_severe_inflammation_pig_stomachs.html#ixzz2j8nMTih5


For those who are not abreast on the realities of food in North America, It goes far beyond GMOS- and so in your case, reality requires some serious confrontation… First before even considering what plan of avoidance you will artfully execute- force yourself to come face to face with the truths about our failing food system; for more information on all things FDA, Big-pharma, Industrialized Food etc. please visit any of the following links to educate yourself further:


 for anyone who is not educated as to what precisely GMO’s are, and why they are a horrific invention by a desperate society seeking to perpetuate disease:

Jeffrey Smith’s mesmerizing film shines a bright light of hope that we can reclaim our health and our food systems…
It’s a real wake up call as to just how deep the corruption of our food chain truly is.. unveiling a world most of us have never seen: exposing the bullying & deceit of the biotech industry, Monsanto’s strong arm tactics, the FDA’s fraudulent policies, & how the USDA adamantly ignores a growing health emergency-

ACT: for those of you who need some additional assistance in understanding how to read labels, what to look for, what to avoid and what to weed out of your current kitchen: we have been continuously addressing the subject of chemicals, toxins and additives, carcinogens and other poisons bit by bit. –

here’s a few handy go-to GMO/Monsanto-guides to add to your arsenal- any and everything on either list are GMO ingredients which means absolutely, positively DO NOT PUT IT INTO YOUR BODY. The other inforgraphic showcases many of the ever-growing companies owned by Monsanto.

you can also visit the NON Gmo product site, and browse participating products.


: print it off ( it’s size 4×6 ) &  keep in your wallet when you’re grocery shopping or save it to your smart phone and pull it up when you are label-checking @ the store.



top 3 tips for avoiding GMO foods:

1- buy certified organic. By law organics cannot contain GMO’s ( though questionable in the US- ecocert and Canadian Organic certifications are a safe bet.

2. Look for non-GMO labels, while the petition to have GMO’s labelled has been ongoing for years now, many brands have adopted their own practice of choosing to label their foods non-GMO for the safety and concern of the consumer. ( note: currently there are NO laws in place stating that companies that produce products made with GMO’s must label their products accordingly- a rather terrifying proposition but a seriously fucked up reality. Please do your research. Buy wise. because evil giant Monsanto will never allow the people to win the battle to label GMO foods- there are a slew of brands, more and more each day who are doing the right thing by labelling their products GMO-free. 

<—this is what you should be looking for on anything you buy; if it does not have this seal, and it is not organic – i don’t buy it.

3- avoid any at-risk ingredients, the top culprits being: corn, soy, canola, cottonseed and sugar ( sugar in itself is a sick plague on humanity with its own laundry list of offenses )

Your best bet? First, watch the genetic roulette film, get educated- and secondly print the list i have created here, and avoid buying ANY product that is GMO.

11- PlusA stunning new research study identifies exactly what makes GMO foods dangerous, along with just how GMO foods causes depression anxiety and other serious health conditions such as autism, obesity, Parkinson’s, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s and more.

Obviously the aforementioned is only just a glimpse into the vast array of toxins we are exposed to, albeit within those few is a vile landscape of endless proportion and enough to instigate action in those willing to embody and live within the truth. This is only number one in a list of the 10 truths and already we have covered a landscape of challenges facing modern day warriors in the battle to ascend. The distorted version of reality that we are living in is a programmed falsity that is oppressing us often without our direct knowledge. I will not speak to the intentions of those who are behind this programming nor will i divulge any name, label or entity responsible – but in effect it is a deeply intricate matrix of interconnected efforts to repress what we already know, what is encoded in our DNA as humans, what we have been put on this earth to do may very well be to reignite the wisdom within, to power forth through endless obstacles, and in the battle for our lives we need armor, the greatest weapon that an individual can have- is a conscious understanding of its opponent in the ever-changing war for our freedom. I bow to those who are out there sharing this wisdom and empowerment, striving to unleash humanity from the grips of toxic truths and repressive wills of ‘others’ whom come not from a place of light and love but from a darkness with calculated aim.

All said thus far-

your best bet is to get educated in the art of avoidance.

our best defense and our only hope of salvation really given the state of reality in the world we live in is to in essence- crack our genetic code and reclaim our divine understanding, our birthright – which is a default state of unity, thriving and empowerment; is to learn to be mindful in our lives. Not only mindful in the sense of being present for each moment of our lives- but mindful in our consumption, mindful in our actions, and mindful of our wellness. Love your temple, ignorance is not bliss. The luckiest woman on earth is one whom knows herself, embraces the truth of herself wholeheartedly, embodies gratitude for the earth and with beloved appreciation of the interconnectedness of all things, strives to walk the path in loving, artful reverence. Evolution follows a path of release and cleansing, the cycle of creation follows destruction and after we learn to wield our own light- we have the capacity to challenge the darkness…

with blessings and love,


& #tellingthetoxintruth



a disclaimer:
i nor anyone else affiliated with the nourished warrior, are in no way affiliated with any organization or anti-organization. neither do i subscribe to following any particular path to truth but that which resonates in my own spirit on my own personal path to ascension. i am going to avoid addressing directly those behind these truths- ( other than the companies publicly and widely known to be villains  )  or using specific ‘keywords’ here for the sake of remaining out of any firing line, spotlight or otherwise drawing unnecessary attention to myself. please also note i am not endorsing any cures, treatments or otherwise as a replacement for advice from a qualified PHD or healthcare practitioner. the links and info provided herein are to be used by the individual at their own discretion.